
to Canberra

Gift your friends or family in Canberra with a gorgeous bunch of flowers from Lily's Florist. Our same day flowers delivery ensures that your thoughtful gift arrives at the perfect moment, making any day a celebration. You can choose from our wide selection of expertly made flowers arrangements, featuring the most stunning flowers. With our exclusive online deals and satisfaction guarantee, sending your love and flowers to Canberra has never been easier or more rewarding. For something really special take a look at our Floriade Bunch, kind of an ode to the flower festival we all know so well. It features the likes of Pink Roses, Pink Gerberas Green Chrysanthemums, and awesome White Spray Chrysanthemums. We deliver flowers to Canberra Monday to Saturday. For same day flower delivery please order by 2PM Mon-Fri and by 10AM on Saturday. Order now online and make someone smile today, or call us to order or for expert advice now on 1800 466 534!
Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist Delivery To Canberra ACT

Are you in Canberra or in another part of Australia, yearning to make a day special for someone or even for yourself? With Lily's Florist, you can transform any ordinary day into a wonderful one. Whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between, our expert and reliable flower delivery service to Canberra ACT is here to sprinkle magic into their life. 

Lily's Florist has a large network of partner florists in Canberra ACT. When you order flowers to Canberra from Lily's Florist, your flower order will go to one of our florists based upon the postcode either of where the recipient resides, their workplace, or any other location in Canberra. If you do not have a florist in the Canberra suburb you are sending flowers, your order will go to the nearest florist to that location.

Flower Delivery Highlights

Extensive Partner Network - Large network of partner florists across Canberra ACT, with orders routed based on recipient's location to ensure fresh, locally-crafted arrangements.
Special Location Expertise - Specialised delivery protocols for sensitive locations including hospitals, Parliament House, Australian National University, and military facilities.
Featured Premium Arrangements - Signature bouquets like the Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch, with expert floristry combining colour theory, structure, and lasting freshness.
Simplified Ordering Process - Mobile-friendly, one-page checkout with no account required, plus professional staff available to assist with selections and personalized messages.

Featured Flowers to Canberra

Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch - Price Range $85.95 - $116.95

What's in the Bouquet

  • Pink Roses – Representing grace, admiration, and sweetness.
  • White Oriental Lilies – Symbolising purity, devotion, and elegance.
  • Green Foliage – Enhancing contrast and adding depth to the arrangement.
  • Clear Glass Vase – Providing a modern and fresh presentation while keeping the stems visible.

Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch to canberra act

This bouquet was carefully designed to bring a soft, elegant, and peaceful vibe. The combination of pink roses and white lilies creates a perfect balance of beauty, meaning, and fragrance. Together, these flowers create a bouquet that feels both graceful and meaningful—perfect for expressing love, appreciation, or sympathy. Our Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch can also be purchased as an arrangement and you can view that here.

So enough chat from us, what do our customers think. But please note that some of the reviews below may be from customers who ordered flowers to Canberra but they may also be from other surrounding locations, or even random locations further afield. Moreover, the reviews only showcase our best reviews.

Expert Technical Look at This Bouquet

Summary of Key Points
  • A soft, romantic colour palette of blush pink roses and white lilies.
  • The arrangement highlights focal flowers (lilies and roses) in a rounded, airy design.
  • The clear vase reveals cleanly cut stems and adds to the overall elegance.
Colour Theory & Harmony
  • Monochromatic Undertones: While technically pink and white are different shades, they both reside in a soft, pastel family. This near-monochromatic approach enhances the bouquet’s serene, cohesive look.
  • Green Foliage Contrast: The leaves provide a gentle green contrast, allowing the delicate pink and white blossoms to remain the central focus.
Flower Selection & Role

Focal Blooms – White Lilies:

  • Oriental lilies, known for their large petals and sweet fragrance.
  • The size and bright white colour draw immediate attention, making them the arrangement’s focal statement.
Design Structure

Rounded, Airy Composition:

  • Blooms appear evenly distributed at varying heights, creating an airy, dome-shaped silhouette.
  • Lilies in different stages of opening add visual interest and dimension (some buds are still closed, while others are in full bloom).

Stem Arrangement:

  • Stems are placed in a radial or spiral manner within the vase, offering stability.
  • This ensures each bloom faces outward rather than clumping in one spot, maximizing coverage and visibility.
Proportion & Scale

Balanced Placement:

  • Placing large lily blooms at slightly higher points balances the bouquet’s heavier visual weight.
  • Roses fill the mid-level range, ensuring no single type of flower overwhelms the design.

Container Height & Bloom Size:

  • The vase is proportionate to the overall arrangement height, preventing the stems from appearing cramped or overly tall.
  • Transparent glass highlights the neat, consistent stem cut and water level.
Texture & Visual Depth

Petal Shapes & Surfaces:

  • The broad, smooth lily petals contrast gently with the intricate, whorled petals of roses.
  • This variety of petal textures enriches the design’s overall visual interest.

Foliage Accents:

  • Medium-sized green leaves add fullness and a subtle texture shift from the flowers’ soft petals.
  • Strategically placed foliage helps break up the pastel expanse, drawing the eye to individual blooms.
Fragrance & Practical Notes

Sweet, Floral Scent:

  • White lilies typically have a strong perfume, complemented by the mild fragrance of pink roses.
  • Ensuring a well-ventilated area preserves freshness and avoids overwhelming scent.

Stamen Removal:

  • Removing lily stamens helps prevent pollen stains on petals and clothing, prolonging the bouquet’s pristine look.

Water Quality:

  • Regularly changing the water and recutting stems can extend vase life, particularly important with lilies, which can drink heavily.

This flower bouquet achieves a graceful blend of pastel hues, balanced structure, and layered textures. The large, lilies command attention while the blush pink roses provide a gentle transition in both colour and scale. Combined with lush green foliage and displayed in a clear vase that highlights cleanly cut stems, the arrangement exudes a polished, romantic charm characteristic of professional floristry.

What Our Customers Are Saying

* Please be aware that the reviews below are real and from verified purchases of this product. That said, some may be for customers who have order this bouquet to Canberra, some may not be and could have ordered for other locations near Canberra or even other territories or states.

The Perfect Blend of Service and Beauty

At Lily's Florist, we pride ourselves on delivering more than just flowers - we deliver moments of joy, connection, and celebration. Our Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch has become one of our most beloved arrangements, consistently earning praise from customers across Australia.

Exceptional Customer Service

Our commitment to outstanding service shines through in countless reviews. As one customer, Malcolm, shared: "The service over the phone was excellent; the website was superb giving me a good idea of what I wanted... the end result was the flower arrangement was stunning. I will certainly use Lily's again - the person they were delivered to cried with joy!"

Customer Satisfaction
Based on 64 verified reviews
Same-Day Delivery
On-time delivery success rate
Customer Loyalty
Would recommend to friends
Perfect for Special Moments

Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just because, our arrangements make every occasion memorable. One touching review from Heather captures this perfectly: "I was looking for some nice flowers for my Mother's 90th birthday... My elderly mother is blind but she said to me 'She just knew they were beautiful' and they absolutely were."

Reliable Same-Day Delivery

We understand the importance of timely delivery. As Robyn notes: "Very helpful with order over phone. Prompt same day delivery. The person receiving the flowers said they were beautiful & lasted well over a week." This commitment to reliability is echoed by Colin, who praised our "Fast service, beautiful flowers. Easy to follow and order."

International Orders Made Easy

For those sending love from overseas, Lily's Florist makes it simple. As Melissa shares: "This was great and reliable as I am living overseas, so sending my mother flowers via your service is easy and simple and effective and she loved them."

Quality That Lasts

Our flowers aren't just beautiful on arrival - they're selected for their lasting beauty. Bodil confirms: "The recipient of the flowers told me they were absolutely gorgeous." Another customer, Caroline, simply stated: "Efficient, easy service to use online. Beautiful flowers- thank you!"

Easy Ordering Process

Whether online or by phone, we've made ordering flowers a breeze. As Angela notes: "Easy to order online. Good website. My friend called as soon as the flowers were delivered to say they were absolutely beautiful."

What Do We Think

We believe this bouquet continues to charm customers in Canberra thanks to its airy blend of soft pink roses, elegant white lilies, and a modern glass vase presentation. Going through the reviews, you’ll notice how consistently people remark on the arrangement’s understated beauty—even when lilies arrive slightly closed, they bloom into a show stopping display. That balance of romance and purity resonates with recipients, whether the flowers are celebrating a milestone birthday or just brightening someone’s day.

beautiful excellent perfect helpful wonderful prompt friendly

Another selling point, based on customers’ words, is the reliability of our service. Reviewers praise our “prompt same day delivery,” our “very helpful phone support,” and how “absolutely beautiful” the arrangement remains well beyond the initial delivery. Sure, there are occasional hiccups—like mismatched expectations on bouquet size or the lilies not opening fast enough—but the majority of feedback highlights convenience, fresh flowers, and lasting quality. Ultimately, the “Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch” hits a sweet spot of classic elegance and dependable, friendly service that keeps Canberrans coming back for more.

If you would like to send our Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Bunch to Canberra online you can do that by clicking this link.

If you need any advice on what to order, to chat more about this bouquet, or to customise a flower delivery to Canberra please phone one of our helpful staff.

Funeral Flowers by Partner Canberra Florists

Flower delivery service to Canberra is now made easy and affordable by Lily’s Florist; anywhere you may be in the world. Flowers delivered by our expert Canberra florist partner network.

Lily’s Florist blends the latest technology in flower delivery services with gifts and flowers and most talented network florists to give you high-quality and handcrafted floral creations delivered to their doorstep in Canberra. By just using your iPhone, Android phone, laptop, or desktop computer, you can already send flowers to your home address or to your recipient’s location in Canberra in no time.

funeral and sympathy flowers to canberra

We deliver same day and next day funeral & sympathy flower bouquets to your loved ones and friends in Canberra. We offer all occasions flowers including for funerals and sympathy daily to Canberra, ACT. Same day flowers are delivered to your recipient in Canberra if you order prior to cut-off time of 2PM on a weekday and 10AM on a Saturday. No more forgotten birthdays and anniversaries because flowers will save the day with Lily’s Florist's fast same day deliveries to Canberra ACT.

Canberra Birthday Flowers Online

The flowers we use are fresh-cut from the finest growers wholesalers in Canberra and Australia wide. These are then arranged into artistic birthday bouquets, bunches, and birthday posies showcasing a captivating collaboration of your favourite flowers like daisies, roses, carnations, lilies, hydrangeas, and more!

Our website features a category for every happy birthday occasion online to help you find for the flowers you need to Canberra. We have set-in-a-box arrangements as well as floral gifts with freebies like chocolates, get balloons, teddy bear, happy birthday balloons and a bottle of wine. As treat for all our customers, we have some of these available in discounted and affordable prices!

send birthday flowers to canberra same day

Flowers from Different People: What Do They Mean?

  • From family – When someone from your family randomly gives you flowers, it mostly expresses their appreciation for all that you do for the family. Women in the family also get stunning flowers during Mother’s Day celebrations. Send one to a family member too, we recommend our Orange Posy, for a sunny-filled greeting of love.
  • From a male friend – In this situation, high discernment is needed. When you receive flowers from a guy friend, you can say thank you but don’t overreach unless he tells you that he means more than friendship. Flowers from men always give mixed signals so you better wait for a follow-up before saying YES or NO.
  • From a stranger – Ok, this can sound creepy at first. This time you have the option to keep the flowers or give it away. However, if you receive this from Lily’s Florist – it would be a difficult decision to dispose such mesmerising bouquet. What do you think?
  • From a partner – It’s always romantic to receive flowers from your better half whether it’s to say “I love you” or I’m sorry.” Whatever the intention is, this gesture can truly melt your heart.

Flowers have a language of their own, speaking volumes where words might fail. Whether it's a token of love, an apology, or just because, Lily's Florist though our florist partners in Canberra ensures that your sentiments are conveyed in the most beautiful manner. So, the next time you think of expressing your feelings, remember that we're just a click or call away. Choose Lily's Florist delivery to Canberra and let our flowers do the talking.

Sensitive Locations in Canberra We Deliver Flowers to

  • Canberra and Calvary Public Hospitals: Please be aware that, for both hospitals, we are not allowed to deliver any flowers to ICU's. If you would like to send flowers to either hospital you must wait until the patient has been assigned a regular room. It's also advised if you are sending flowers to any Canberra Hospital you choose hospital flowers from our arrangements category as no hospital in Canberra will have vases. Also, when you are on the checkout page please ensure you have the correct wing and room number in the notes, plus you will need the patients mobile number.
  • Australian National University: If you are sending flowers to ANU it would be better to get your friend or family members specific office or department location to ensure successful delivery. That is there specific building name, department or office number, a mobile number is vital when sending flowers to ANU in Canberra.
  • Parliament House: If you are sending flowers to Parliament House in Canberra if highly likely that our partner florist or courier will call the recipient before delivering the flowers - just be aware of that. 
  • Royal Military College Duntroon: Due to the strict security protocols and military environment at Royal Military College Duntroon, sending flowers directly to the campus can be a challenge for our courier drivers. The facility in Canberra has controlled access through military-only gates and strict entry protocols. The only way to send flowers here is to have your family member or friend meet the courier at the front gate, so when you will out the form on the checkout page ensure you include a mobile number.

How Lily's Florist Works

Ever wonder how we get your flowers from our shop to someone's doorstep? It's pretty cool, actually! We started with a real florist shop back in 2007 in a small town called Kingscliff in NSW. At first, we could only deliver flowers to nearby places like Byron Bay and Ballina. But then we had this awesome idea - why not team up with other flower shops?

Now we work kind of like Airbnb, but for flowers! We partner with over 900 flower shops all across Australia. Think of us as the friendly connection between you and your local Floirst. Here's how it works:

When you order flowers from us:

  • You pick the flowers you want delivered to Canberra on our website - we make it super easy with our one-page checkout!
  • We find the closest flower shop to where your flowers in Canberra need to go (they can usually deliver up to 30 kilometres from their shop)
  • A real, professional florist makes your arrangement with fresh flowers
  • They deliver it right to the door on the same day if you order by 2 PM on weekdays!

Need flowers in a hurry? No problem! You can order right from your phone - we made our website super mobile-friendly for those times when you're on the go. Plus, you don't even need to create an account to order. We know you're busy, so we keep things quick and simple!

The cool thing is, when you order from us, your flowers usually come from Australian based growers. It's like getting flowers straight from the garden to your loved ones! Sometimes, for special flowers like red roses or tulips, our partners might need to import them, but most of our beautiful flowers are grown right here in Australia.

Got questions? Our friendly team is here to help from Monday to Friday (7 AM to 6 PM) and Saturdays (7 AM to 12:30 PM). We can help you pick the perfect flowers, write a sweet message on your card, or just answer any questions you might have!

FAQ For Our Flower Delivery to Canberra

1. Do you deliver flowers on the same day?

We deliver same-day flowers from Monday to Saturday to Canberra ACT and all if suburbs. To ensure same-day delivery, place your order by 2PM on weekdays and 10AM on Saturdays.

* This is a map of the flower delivery areas in Canberra our partner florists deliver to Monday to Saturday. The map is purely for display purposes only and does not in any way reflect where Lily's Florist is located. We are not located in Canberra but are partner florists are. Click here for more information on our partner florist network in Canberra.

2. Can I nominate a delivery time?

While we can't guarantee delivery times due to traffic, time of the day, or weather, we make every effort for special cases like funerals or school deliveries to meet timing requirements. When you are in the checkout stating the occasion or address type will alert up to this fact.

3. What happens if nobody is home?

If the recipient isn't home, we leave flowers in a safe location. If that's not possible, we call the recipient to arrange another delivery or return the flowers to the shop. This is obviously only a last resort as we try our very best not to spoil the surprise. 

4. Do you deliver to hospitals and army bases?

We deliver to hospitals in Canberra, maternity wards in Canberra, nursing homes, and army bases in Canberra. For hospitals flower deliveries, detailed recipient information is needed like bed & wing numbers, and ICU deliveries may be held at the nurse's station and delivered when the patient is assigned a room.

5. How do I order flowers online?

Visit our website, choose a product and delivery address in Canberra, and follow the steps to add details like a card message and the recipient's mobile number, extra information such as "watch out for the dog...", and payment information. No account is needed, and order confirmation is sent via email. We decided not to insist on registration so that our customers can checkout much faster.

If you have any concerns, questions, feedback about our products, help writing your card message, our level of service, or partner network please feel free to contact us to speak to one of our professional staff.