
Florists Choice Bright Mixed Bunch

Same Day Delivery

Are you looking for a sophisticated, yet fun and vibrant floral bouquet? If so, then definitely consider this Lily’s Florist bunch of flowers, as it has just the right amount of tradition and youthfulness… 

Please Note: This is a Florists Choice bunch of flowers. Whilst we will always try to match the end product with the image, what's in the bunch is subject to seasonal availability. 

Vase not included.

' Quick and Easy. I ordered online and it was very easy and quick. The flowers arrived the next afternoon looking just like they were displayed on the website. I was very happy with my purchase and will use this florist again.' Source: Feefo
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  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
  • Buy Safely From Any Device
  • Same Day Delivery Monday - Saturday
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Bold and Beautiful: A Spectrum of Vibrant Hues

Revitalise your day with our exquisite Bright Bunch - a vibrant assembly of seasonal flowers, brimming with colour and charisma. These blooms, sourced from premium farms, form a captivating palette that could easily rival a rainbow. Their versatility transcends seasons and occasions, effortlessly adorning both celebratory and healing spaces with their cheerful presence.

This bouquet is a celebration of color and sentiment, perfectly crafted to bring a smile and warmth to any recipient's day. You can also buy this product in the boxed arrangement, to do that click here.

Celebrate the Special Moments

Whether it's a jubilant birthday or a cherished anniversary, our Bright Bunch is the ultimate surprise that adds vibrancy to any milestone. It's also the perfect 'get well soon' gift, weaving an optimistic and hopeful ambience around your loved ones during their recovery. Bring home this bouquet and create enduring memories that will be fondly remembered for years to come.

A Mother's Day Marvel

If you're looking for an exceptional gift for Mother's Day, our Bright Bunch is the perfect choice. Praised by many of our customers for its charm and eloquence, this medley of mixed coloured flowers captures the essence of maternal love beautifully. It is a radiant tribute to the enduring love and support of every mother, making it an undeniably thoughtful and heartfelt gesture.


Phone order was made easy with a lovely lady helping me. Easy to follow with not too much fuss. Order ref: 545300
It was super easy to use! Same day delivery & the result was stunning! Very happy, thank you! Order ref: 544265
Great flowers, great service. Would use again. Easy to navigate. Photo's and pricing were clear and easy to understand. Flowered delivered were very similar to the photo on the website. Recipient was very happy with them. I needed to email them and the response was prompt and answered my question. Order ref: 544795
Great customer service. Very easy to order. The order arrived the same day the order was placed. I received a phone call to confirm delivery time, would thoroughly recommend this florist. Order ref: 544681
It was easy to order online, would have liked a little more communication for the delivery but over all great experience. Order ref: 544560
All went very smooth and was very happy with results. Order ref: 542498
Lily's is great. Not cheap but the quality of the flower bouquet was exceptional! Order ref: 542135
Clear pictures, easy to use. Could’ve specified the delivery church earlier in the process. Order ref: 543510
Easy to use, efficient. Flowers arrived that day. Order ref: 542336
Great delivery. Well designed. Order ref: 540529
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