
40th Birthday Flowers

When a friend of family member turns 40 it calls for a spectacular flower bouquet from Lily's Florist. We offer same-day delivery six days a week when you order before 2PM, so you can easily surprise your loved one with our large, fresh, and budget friendly range. Our 40th birthday flowers collection offers the likes red roses for love, pink flowers for romance, playful daisies reminiscent of youth,, elegant white lilies for a sophisticated new decade ahead. We also have a Florists Choice Bunch and Arrangement with is great when you are not sure what to order, this leaves the creativity up to the florist. Order 40th Birthday Flowers online or, if you prefer some advice on what to order or a more customised bouquet, please phone us now on 1800 466 534

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery

Featured 40th Birthday Bouquet

6 Red Roses - $80.95

Our 40th Birthday Flowers collection has earned exceptional praise from customers who understand that marking this milestone deserves something special. "The flowers my sister received were just gorgeous. She was so delighted with the surprise," shares one customer, capturing the joy these arrangements bring to this landmark celebration.

Our commitment to quality and presentation consistently impresses, with customers highlighting both the freshness and artistry of our arrangements. "Better than expected in every way. Great quality flowers and really nice display. Prompt delivery," notes one satisfied customer, while another declares our "Quality & service second to none."

Customer Reviews: 6 Red Roses

Average Rating: 4.84/5.0 ★★★★★
21 (84%)
4 (16%)

The reliability of our same-day delivery service (available for orders placed before 2 PM) garners particular appreciation. "Quick and easy with fresh beautiful flowers delivered same day," reports one reviewer, with another noting we "listened to my special request that the flowers be delivered before a certain time." From romantic red roses to sophisticated white lilies, each arrangement is crafted to make turning 40 truly memorable.

Long-term customers particularly value our consistent excellence: "I have used Lily's Florist for a number of years and will continue to do so." The personal touch of our service team makes a difference too - "Staff were delightful to speak to and went above a 5-star rating!!!"

Starting with budget-friendly options, our range includes everything from playful daisies to elegant lilies, ensuring there's a perfect arrangement for every 40th celebration. For those seeking guidance, our expert team is just a call away at 1800 466 534, ready to help create that perfect celebratory moment. As one customer puts it, the service is "Fantastic... The flowers we purchased are absolutely stunning."

Need help selecting the perfect 40th birthday arrangement? Our Florist's Choice option lets our experienced designers create something uniquely special for your celebration.

Make Their 40th Unforgettable!

When customers tell us "My wife loved the arrangement" or "She was so delighted with the surprise," we know we've helped make someone's 40th truly special. Whether you're ordering from across town or interstate, you'll appreciate what one customer calls "the friendliest and best service I have ever experienced."

40th Birthday 6 red roses bouquet

Customisation & Extras for 40th Birthday

Want to make your 40th birthday flowers even more spectacular? Take a tip from our satisfied customers who've added personal touches:

  • Add a beautiful vase (one reviewer notes "they came in a beautiful vase")
  • Include our premium chocolates or champagne
  • Select our "Deluxe" or "Premium" size upgrades
  • Add a milestone birthday balloon

Worried About Ordering 40th Birthday Flowers Online?

Don't be! Our customers consistently praise how "Easy to use and navigate. Makes purchasing a breeze." Plus, if you prefer personal assistance, our team is routinely described as having a "Very helpful and pleasant phone manner" and being "delightful to speak to."

Delivery You Can Trust

Delivered on time as advertised" is a common theme in our reviews. For those surprise 40th celebrations, you'll appreciate what one customer shared: "they listened to my special request that the flowers be delivered before a certain time." With same-day delivery available six days a week (order before 2 PM), you can count on us to make their 40th birthday flowers arrive right on time.

And don't forget - our expert team is always just a phone call away at 1800 466 534 to help you select the perfect arrangement for this milestone celebration! Or visit our contact us page to send us an email.

If you would like to order our 6 Red Roses Bouquet click here.