Christmas Elegance Flowers

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Merry Christmas and I love you, all the words to say with this bouquet of roses and lilies ready to ignite the holiday love. Get ready!

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Why Buy Flowers With Us?
  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
  • Buy Safely From Any Device
  • Same Day Delivery Monday - Saturday
  • Trusted Payment Options
  • Call Us To Get Expert Flower Advice
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Definitely, something joyful, something pleasant, something fun, and something special... but how do you make an ordinary moment worth remembering? Here’s a gift you can count on – our Christmas Elegance Flowers.

Tied in holiday wrap, the fresh blossoms of red roses and white lilies included here are carefully selected and handpicked to ensure its freshness from the shop to your recipient’s address. Don’t wait for the exact Christmas day before making someone happy in this season of giving. Find fulfilment in sending love through flowers. You can send this on Christmas Eve just in time for next day’s Christmas gathering. It shall sit beautifully on your living room table for all your visitors to admire.

A few tips when transferring cut flowers to a vase is to always hydrate the flowers with clean water. Avoid placing it under direct sunlight or exposing it to extreme heat. You should also trim it regularly for better water absorption.

Contact our florists or order online via our website. Our team can readily answer your flower gift-giving questions and if you need any advice on flowers or writing the card message, our flower specialists can help you.


Efficient service. My daughter loved the Christmas bouquet. I would recommend Lily’s Florist. Order ref: 440279
Exceeded advertisement. Excellent, easy, hassle-free, quality product. Order ref: 382732
The flowers were beautiful & my friend that received them was very happy, the ordering process was easy as well. Order ref: 381955
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