Deal Of The Day Bunch

Same Day Delivery

Discover our 'Deal Of The Day' bouquet, an effortless choice for fresh, seasonal blooms. Trust our expert partner florists to handpick flowers for a stunning arrangement, wrapped and ready to delight. Act now, let us craft a surprise bouquet for your friends or loved ones today!

' Easy and uncomplicated online purchase procedure. Great variety of products. Yes, i would use Lily's services again and would recommend them to other people.' Source: Feefo
Safe Payment Options

Why Buy Flowers With Us?
  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
  • Buy Safely From Any Device
  • Same Day Delivery Monday - Saturday
  • Trusted Payment Options
  • Call Us To Get Expert Flower Advice
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Simplified Shopping with 'Deal of the Day'

Discover our special 'Deal Of The Day' at Lily’s Florist. This innovative flower bunch is designed to take the effort out of choosing flowers yourself. Instead, we put that choice squarely into the hands of our skilled partner florists.

Seasonal Delight

Our 'Deal Of The Day' typically features a lovingly composed mix of 'seasonal' flowers that are in stock at the time. This ensures that you'll always receive the freshest and most vibrant blooms available.

Beautifully Presented Blooms

To further enhance the visual appeal of these gorgeous blooms, the flowers are carefully wrapped in stunning paper for a presentation that is as memorable as it is beautiful. Enjoy the surprise of a unique and stylish floral arrangement handcrafted for you or your loved ones.

If you are after a larger range or occasion orientated Florist Choice style flower bunches please check out our range here.


Ordered flowers last minute. Delivered on time. Order ref: 362044
You should have a wider range of pricing to cater for all requirements. I called from interstate and was advised that the cheapest bunch of flowers were $80. You have a great service but I shall have to think long and hard next time I order flowers from your store. Not everyone can afford that much money and I certainly won't be able to purchase any in the near future. You need to cater for all budgets. Order ref: 361713
Simple to order, reasonable price ... delivered as requested. Recipient said they were lovely. Thank you! Order ref: 356307
Highly recommended. Excellent phone service by Luke (I think). Beautiful flowers delivered the same day. Order ref: 355917
Ordering flowers for a special 70th birthday, Kelly was great to deal with. Easy to read & follow, reasonable prices. Good salesperson, excellent delivery. Happy to recommend. Order ref: 353783
Beautiful bunch of florist's pick, thank you! Order ref: 343708
The website was a bit hard to follow but the service and product received were excellent. Order ref: 341834
Easy to book, delivered on time. Order ref: 341754
Very happy customer. A beautiful gift that brightened my good friend's birthday and made her day! I get flowers for her every year and she was not disappointed with them this year, even though I was unable to afford what I would normally get, the quality of the Deal of the Day was wonderful. Delivered promptly and the price was very competitive compared to other florists I have used in the area over the past ten years. Order ref: 341146
Delivered as requested. Flowers were fresh, vibrant and full of life!!! Order ref: 340995
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