
Deal Of The Day Bunch

Same Day Delivery

Discover our 'Deal Of The Day' bouquet, an effortless choice for fresh, seasonal blooms. Trust our expert partner florists to handpick flowers for a stunning arrangement, wrapped and ready to delight. Act now, let us craft a surprise bouquet for your friends or loved ones today!

' Easy and uncomplicated online purchase procedure. Great variety of products. Yes, i would use Lily's services again and would recommend them to other people.' Source: Feefo
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Safe payment options including Visa, MasterCard, American Express & PayPal

Why Buy Flowers With Us?
  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
  • Buy Safely From Any Device
  • Same Day Delivery Monday - Saturday
  • Trusted Payment Options
  • Call Us To Get Expert Flower Advice
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Simplified Shopping with 'Deal of the Day'

Discover our special 'Deal Of The Day' at Lily’s Florist. This innovative flower bunch is designed to take the effort out of choosing flowers yourself. Instead, we put that choice squarely into the hands of our skilled partner florists.

Seasonal Delight

Our 'Deal Of The Day' typically features a lovingly composed mix of 'seasonal' flowers that are in stock at the time. This ensures that you'll always receive the freshest and most vibrant blooms available.

Beautifully Presented Blooms

To further enhance the visual appeal of these gorgeous blooms, the flowers are carefully wrapped in stunning paper for a presentation that is as memorable as it is beautiful. Enjoy the surprise of a unique and stylish floral arrangement handcrafted for you or your loved ones.

If you are after a larger range or occasion orientated Florist Choice style flower bunches please check out our range here.


Highly recommended. The website was easy to navigate and gave me plenty of options for my perusal before purchasing. Order ref: 545538
Flowers to brighten your day. Great and easy to use. Order ref: 541253
Lovely flowers delivered on time. Order ref: 541040
It was easy to order and the flowers lovely. Order ref: 540890
I never received a receipt or confirmation of the delivery. I actually thought the flowers had not been delivered. Order ref: 530469
Easy to use. Order ref: 528223
A pleasure to use. Website easy to navigate ordering of flowers perfect, prices not expensive. Order ref: 523469
Good communication and service. They were wonderful with my error to the order. Very happy with their service l will use again and recommend. Order ref: 521202
Excellent service. Easy to use. Great communication. Delivered on time. The flowers where amazing. Order ref: 518841
Flowers for a friend in a new town. Very nice with pictures that show the goods you’ll send. Was concerned that the flowers might not be able to be delivered as I hadn’t seen the apartment but all went well. Also flowers were beautiful according to the recipient. Order ref: 517785
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