Beautiful Mixed Rose Arrangement

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Express love that's pure and true through this mixed roses ensemble. Hand-delivered same day.

Box colour for display purposes only.

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Are you friends with, may be associated with, or be in love with someone that has a soft spot for roses?

For the lover of roses, this rose arrangement is a timeless melody of mixed medium stemmed roses that emit some of the the most stunning colours available in the colour spectrum. With roses highlighting love, passion and friendship let the recipient be amazing at the reds, yellows, and whites that are featured here. Giving the arrangement balance, we have added a layer of green that has also be designed this way to give a backdrop to the roses colours and make them stand out even more.

This is an all occasion box of amazing roses that may be send for an “i’m sorry’ occasion, it may be sent for Valentine’s Day (which is the most common), it’s also a wonderful way to simply say ‘thank you’.

When you buy these flowers be sure to give some thought into the card message you get to send with the card. Sometimes, just a few words, can carry a whole lot of positive meaning. If you need any card writing tips, be sure to take a look our card writing guide in the footer of our website.


Repeat customer. Easy to use website. Secure payments. Order ref: 324909
Beautiful flowers. Website easy to navigate, the order process was very simple and staff very helpful. Order ref: 307654

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