
Bright Mixed Arrangement

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This is Lily's Florists' most popular arrangement, it can be bought online or by calling. Order before 2pm for same day delivery.

Box colour for display purposes only.

'Very happy with Lily’s florist. I found the website and ordering process easy to use, my sister in law said the flowers were lovely, I would be happy to purchase flowers from Lily’s florist again.' Source: Feefo
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Take home this absolutely gorgeous Lily’s Florist arrangement which has the brightest selection of purple flowers that project an air of royalty and just a little tradition, perhaps. Did you know that purple has been associated with harmony?

The greens are a refreshing symbol of wealth, luck, and resilience, making them the perfect way to reintroduce colour into your home in the spring-time. The red–of-course–this is the quintessential colour of passion and intensity that can be used in your outdoor living space, whilst the pink flowers represent a fun flirtation, representing how much you must love entertaining friends and family all summer long. This bright ensemble is rounded off by beautiful yellow blossoms, which are the ultimate symbol of a long lasting friendship.

Don’t just believe these hues; look forward to the long lasting aroma of a long awaited spring, when you have this floral arrangement!


User-friendly, reliable, efficient offering seamless global services. The best and user-friendly service and offers a seamless ordering experience. Customers can easily browse and place orders through a simple interface, ensuring a smooth transaction process. With a focus on convenience and efficiency, this service caters to the needs of users around the globe, making it easy to access products and services. I am based in South Africa and managed to place an order to be delivered in Australia. Your company stands out for its reliability and customer satisfaction, providing a hassle-free ordering experience. I would definitely recommend your company to everyone. Order ref: 550992
They were excellent for our flowers were beautiful. The lady I spoke to was very nice and very helpful. Very happy with them. Order ref: 543072
Disappointed. They were not like the picture & smaller in size. Order ref: 542077
Wonderful. Easy to use site. Order ref: 541404
Very helpful. Very good the lady I spoke to was very nice and helpful. Order ref: 539082
Great choice displayed. Easy to follow and manage. Order ref: 535371
Would use Lily's Florist again. Flowers were sorted well in their categories. Easy to find what you want. Order ref: 535051
Prompt delivery, beautiful flowers! The flowers are very beautiful. the recipient of the flowers absolutely loved them. Order ref: 533736
Great florist. Very easy to use and very accurate picture of what you purchase. Definitely would use them again. Highly recommended. Order ref: 533549
The website was easy to navigate and the payment system secure. The flowers were lovely and delivered on time. I would use Lily’s Florist again. Order ref: 529533
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