Bright Mixed Arrangement

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This is Lily's Florists' most popular arrangement, it can be bought online or by calling. Order before 2pm for same day delivery.

Box colour for display purposes only.

'Very happy with Lily’s florist. I found the website and ordering process easy to use, my sister in law said the flowers were lovely, I would be happy to purchase flowers from Lily’s florist again.' Source: Feefo
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Take home this absolutely gorgeous Lily’s Florist arrangement which has the brightest selection of purple flowers that project an air of royalty and just a little tradition, perhaps. Did you know that purple has been associated with harmony?

The greens are a refreshing symbol of wealth, luck, and resilience, making them the perfect way to reintroduce colour into your home in the spring-time. The red–of-course–this is the quintessential colour of passion and intensity that can be used in your outdoor living space, whilst the pink flowers represent a fun flirtation, representing how much you must love entertaining friends and family all summer long. This bright ensemble is rounded off by beautiful yellow blossoms, which are the ultimate symbol of a long lasting friendship.

Don’t just believe these hues; look forward to the long lasting aroma of a long awaited spring, when you have this floral arrangement!


Thanks Lily’s Florist for delivering beautiful flowers and champagne for my Mum's birthday. Order ref: 385396
Definitely worth the call! Easy to order and very happy with the delivered product! Would definitely recommend! Order ref: 380834
Flowers were delivered in a timely manner and were beautiful. Order ref: 381519
Service was very efficient. Phone order done in a very efficient manner. The person that the flowers were for was thrilled with the arrangement. Order ref: 380778
A beautiful arrangement , thank you! Order ref: 378253
Many compliments on the beautiful flowers made her so happy. Beautiful flowers to choose from. My sister is so unwell in hospital and I ordered her a bunch which arrived at her home and taken to her the next day. Order ref: 376957
The flowers were delivered as requested and the recipient was delighted. Thank you! Order ref: 375107
Would definitely use them again. First time I have used this florist and the ease of ordering and paying was very good and the flowers were delivered on time and looked amazing. Order ref: 369399
Apart on a bit of a stuff up on where I wanted the flowers delivered, I was contacted promptly by the delivery person and with another phone call this was rectified and my wife received her flowers which she loved. I will use them again. Order ref: 365441
Great job! Met all my requirements. Order ref: 353683
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