
Florists Choice Sweet Hamper

Same Day Delivery

Indulge your candy girl's sweet tooth by sending this basket Florists Choice Sweet Hamper.

Please note: This is a Florists Choice product, meaning that the florist will put into it whatever they have in stock at the time in the shop.

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  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
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  • Same Day Delivery Monday - Saturday
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It may come as a surprise (wink-wink) but this delicious sweet hamper happens to be a bestseller in this ever so popular category.

Generally speaking it's filled with a generous serving of sweet treats for the person that has an especially sweet tooth and is fond of or particularly partial to everything that is sweet.

The Pick of the bunch, so to speak, is our deluxe size. You can order online or you can simply give us a call to talk about your delivery options and what we can do for you.


Amazing service above and beyond! Website is clear and concise when it comes to ordering pricing and time frames. Communication was amazing and even with short notice they were amazing in sorting out a quick birthday bouquet for someone in a small town on the central coast of NSW. Amazing! Order ref: 532230
Great service and parcel delivered on the day. Was easy to navigate and found it easy to process the gift that I wanted. Order ref: 515703
Recipients comment on the quality and timely delivery. Order ref: 381109
A pleasure to do business with. Excellent service. Order ref: 335798
Exceptional. User friendly web site and safe payment facility. Order ref: 330185
Only a 4 due to not receiving any confirmation email regarding my gift been delivered, had to email the company and check. But it was great when it arrived and my Daughter in law loved it and was pleased. Thank you. Order ref: 320703
Happy with purchase. Would recommend this florist, quick delivery and beautiful flower arrangements. Order ref: 315736
Superb products and services!!!! This company went above and beyond with their service and product. They put together an amazing hamper for my friend's birthday with quality products that actually get used and are liked not things people don’t really eat. The hamper was great value for money and presented as enticing!! Delivery was exceptional and loved the ease of being able to complete the whole process online. Order ref: 307154
Very good service, delivery was on the day. Very good as per what I ordered. Thanks! Order ref: 306971
They delivered promptly although it was a little expensive. Order ref: 303666
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