
Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Arrangement

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Celebrate new beginnings, or any special occasion, with our Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses arrangement, a perfect testament of unconditional love and nurturing. Order now to offer a gift that brings joy, admiration, and a calming reassurance to your loved ones.

Box colour for display purposes only.

'Amazing flowers. It was such a smooth process the lady on the phone was so nice caring and helpful I will definitely be using this service again well done. The flowers were amazing.' Source: Feefo
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  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
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The Perfect Gesture of Love and Nurturing

If you're on the look out for a flowers gift that speaks volumes about love, understanding, and the joy of nurturing, then your search ends here - at Lily's Florist. Our Pastel Pink Lilies & Roses Flowers Arrangement is an epitome of all the subtle, yet powerful emotions that bind us.

A Sweet Celebration of New Beginnings

This flower arrangement, with its blossoming appeal, is the perfect gift for a new mum, a birthday, an anniversaryor Just Because. The interplay of various shades of pink from blush to fuchsia establishes an immediate connection with the nurturing side of a person. It's as if the flowers whisper messages of unconditional love and understanding, making it an ideal gift to celebrate the birth of a little one.

Conveying Happiness, Joy, and Admiration

The soft hue of the light pink roses mixed with the bold shade of the lilies express a melody of happiness, joy, and admiration. Each stem and petal works together to create a symphony of compassion, presented in the most feminine, romantic, and affectionate manner.

A Calming Reassurance Amidst the Chaos

This flower arrangement isn't just about beauty; it's about emotions too. The soothing pastel pink tones down the fiery passion of red, replacing it with a gentle, loving energy that calms and reassures. It serves as a therapeutic presence, alleviating feelings of anger and aggression, and replaces them with peace and tranquility.

This floral arrangement is more than a gift. It's a message of love, a beacon of happiness, and a symbol of everlasting joy.


Online purchases need to accomodate what time the flowers need to be delivered, this would have saved follow up phone calls. Flowers were not pastel pink as purchased, however, flowers delivered were nice just the same. Order ref: 30670
I was very impressed with the speed of the delivery, it was the first time I had done an order online and found it easy to do. My friend loved the flowers and I thought they were beautiful as well however there was no pink in the arrangement and I had ordered pink especially for her. Otherwise I thought they were exactly what I wanted. Order ref: 26645
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