
Bestselling Roses

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Flowers are given as gifts on special occasions because of their beauty and the messages they carry. Apart from the ornamental quality and aesthetic value of fresh flowers, they also have this unique language that’s beneficial when people want to express their thoughts and feelings in a deeper, more creative, and more unforgettable manner.

The beautiful rose appears to be the most popular bloom sent to celebrate special occasions and to convey specific sentiments. One red rose wrapped bouquet style is enough to change someone’s day. Amazing isn’t it? Lily’s Florist also believes in this mighty power of the rose hence we’ve prepared one section specially dedicated to our rose floral creations.

Welcome to our Rose category and we’re certain you’ll find the best rose gift right here.

Whether your special recipient fancies the classic red rose or the hard-to-find orange rose, you can send an endearing rose ensemble when you shop for roses online at Lily’s Florist.

Our roses are carefully grown in the best climate and are harvested with care to keep their beauty and freshness. Each stem has an undeniable charm that seduces its audience with its colour, scent, and form. So when you get a Lily’s Florist rose bunch or arrangement, expect excellent quality roses styled creatively into attractive and expressive floral gifts. We’re 100% sure that our rose gifts will never disappoint.

Which rose should I choose?

Lily’s Florist has a wide variety of rose gifts to cater to your needs. We have roses in standard size and rose arrangements in extra large size. You can find a rose gift for as low as $28 and rose sets in a box that are completely ready for display. We have roses for romance, for gratitude, sympathy, and friendship.

Different rose colours provide different shades of meaning and Lily’s Florist has a rainbow of roses to help you express what you mean.

The Red Rose. We have one, three, 12, 24, and 36 red rose gifts for you to choose from. Pick this flower of love in the colour of love to communicate passion, desire and romantic love. First associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite who ran to wounded Adonis, her lover, and pricked her foot on a white rose then stained all the other roses red with her blood. It is also because of this that the red rose became a symbol of undying devotion.

The hot, radiant, striking red colour is also the colour of the heart and blood making this shade an appropriate symbol of life and love. When we see this hue in a beautiful rose with delicate petals yet a thorny stem, we get reminded of what love truly is: the greatest of all risks.

The White Rose. Symbolising innocence, purity, chastity and new beginnings, the white rose is appropriate for a young woman. It can also symbolize soul-deep love like that in marriage. An unblemished bloom like a white rose can also communicate one’s sincerity.

The Pink Rose. A rose in this gentle shade is one that conveys grace, sweetness, happiness and gratitude. This versatile bloom also carries a message of romantic or platonic love. Pink roses are a good choice for expressing admiration and for the beginning of a romance. Deeper pink roses are ideal when expressing appreciation and gratitude to your partner, or sister, or to your mother.

The Yellow Rose. This rose in the colour of sunshine is one that conveys well wishes. Send it to someone who needs a pick-me-up or as part of a get well soon flower arrangement. You can also celebrate someone’s success with a gift of yellow roses.

The Orange Rose. Representing fascination, enthusiasm and attraction, fiery orange roses indicates passion and intensity. You can send it to congratulate someone and let its invigorating shade bring more motivation and encouragement.

The Purple Rose. A rose in this enchanting shade is one that signifies “love at first sight.” Pick a bouquet of lavender roses to celebrate your anniversary and reminisce about the first time you and your partner met.

Tired of giving roses? Combine the classic bloom with other equally captivating blossoms. Lily’s Florist offers beautiful pairings of roses and our favourite flowers. We have roses and carnations, roses and lilies, and roses and gerberas. We also have rose sets with chocolates and wine. Also available are rose arrangements in vase and in stylish boxes as well as rose bouquets with teddy bear and posies of roses.

Whichever rose ensemble you choose, you or the lucky recipient will get a stunning floral creation that will tug at the heartstrings. Our local florists do not just put together blooms, they thoughtfully prepare each floral display so that it reflects the sentiments of the sender.

If you’re sending flowers to someone you love, you can count on our roses to beautifully express your affection. If you are getting roses for yourself, you can rely on Lily’s Florist to deliver a floral ensemble that will make you genuinely smile.

Order Roses Today for Same Day Delivery

Buying roses online is so convenient. We have an easy checkout so you can shop for rose gifts at the least amount of time. We also have discounted flowers and promotions so you can buy flowers at the least amount of money, too. Big savings are waiting for you at our On Sale and Under $50 categories. Looking for freebies? Get a free vase or a box of chocolates at no extra cost when you shop from our Freebies section.

For your other flower gifting needs, feel free to check our bunches and arrangements for other fabulous gift options. Lily’s Florist delivers roses for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays and anniversaries. Rose orders received before 2:00PM Monday to Friday are eligible for same day delivery. Likewise, we deliver roses same day during Saturdays for orders received before 10:00AM.

Don’t miss out on our mesmerizing rose bunches and arrangements. Browse our wide assortment of rose gifts right now and see how you can uniquely express your affection through roses.

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