
All of us been there – a special occasion like a birthday pops up, and we're left trying to find the perfect gift. But with Lily's Florist's Choice Collection, last-minute flower gifting is easy. Our expertly curated selection of handcrafted arrangements takes the guesswork out of choosing the right flowers for your loved ones. Simply select the size and price point that suits your needs, and let our talented florists work their magic. With our same-day delivery option by ordering before 2pm, you can have a stunning, one-of-a-kind floral creation delivered to your recipient's doorstep in no time. Buy a product from our Florists Choice collection online safely, or simply call us today to order flowers on 1800 466 534.

Florists Choice Flowers

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Florists Choice FAQ

  • What are our Florist’s Choice Flowers?

    A: The Florist’s Choice Collection is a curated selection of handcrafted floral arrangements and bunches created by our expert partner florists using only the freshest possible flowers of the day.

  • Can I request a specific design or flower for my Florist’s Choice flowers?

    A: Florist’s Choice arrangements are made using the freshest flowers available on the day. Therefore, specific requests are not usually possible. However, every arrangement bunch is sure to impress. It is possible to make requests but we encourage you to phone our staff to organise that.

  • Will my Florist’s Choice arrangement look exactly like the picture?

    A: Since each Florist’s Choice arrangement is custom-made and for demonstration purposes only, the design may vary. However, the appeal, quality, and value will always be top-notch.

  • How does same-day delivery work?

    A: For same-day delivery of our Florists Choice Flowers, place your order before 2PM. We'll prepare and deliver your flowers within the day. For Saturday orders you must order before 10am on Saturday.

  • Can I send a Florist’s Choice arrangement as a gift?

    A: Absolutely! Florist’s Choice arrangements make excellent gifts as they are unique, fresh, and artistically arranged.

You won’t find a better deal than these!

Buy flowers now from our Florist’s Choice Collection and get fresh flowers at best value. Plus, you no longer have to think about the perfect design to suit an occasion or a recipient. Let our professional florist designers and flower experts create a mesmerising flower ensembles filled with the freshest in season flowers. 

Flower Gifts Unlike Anything Else

This selection of flower gifts features bunches and arrangements all prepared with care, by hand. Each floral creation is composed of our florist’s choice of fresh and vibrant blooms. Expect each arrangement, bouquet and bunch to be truly one-of-a-kind, made from the freshest flowers in store that day. 

Our Florist’s Choice flower gifts are your best bet when looking for a present with a distinctive look, with an exclusive appeal, and an unrepeatable design. These special designer-made floral gifts are also the perfect option when you just can’t decide which floral design to choose or when you’re unsure which flowers your recipient will like. 

One Of A Kind Bunches and Flower Arrangements

Trust our partner florists’ experience, creativity and passion for their work and you’ll be impressed to see what their hands can do. Using the freshest flowers on hand, they will prepare a lively ensemble of blossoms that has the perfect balance of simplicity and visual impact. 

As they create each bouquet and box or vase arrangement by hand, they of course consider the timeless rules in flower arranging. You can count on our flower experts to use proportion, scale, unity, emphasis, rhythm, and balance correctly. They apply the design principles of shape, form, line, color, contrast, texture, size and space to craft a floral display that’s artistic, dramatic, and expressive.

Our partner florists are also updated on the latest floral trends and can prepare both traditional and contemporary flower arrangements. So, don’t worry. Let us make your online flower shopping a wonderful experience (and an extra convenient one, too)! Just pick one of our Florist’s Choice creations, order before 2PM, and you’ll have fresh flowers delivered the same day.

Please note: Each Florist’s Choice arrangement or bunch is uniquely created by a local partner florist based on the day’s freshest blooms. Given the custom made quality, design will vary from pictured. The design may not exactly match the photo but the look, appeal, and value will.

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