
Rose & Carnation Arrangement

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Lily's Florist's captivating Rose & Carnation Arrangement. This enchanting floral medley, pre-arranged in a colour-matched box, radiates warmth and elegance. Make your loved ones' day extra special - order now and let them experience the unforgettable thrill of receiving such a splendid gift.

* Box colour for display purposes only.

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Why Buy Flowers With Us?
  • Our Flowers Are Fresh & Long Lasting
  • Buy Safely From Any Device
  • Same Day Delivery Monday - Saturday
  • Trusted Payment Options
  • Call Us To Get Expert Flower Advice
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Unrivalled Beauty of Nature's Palette

Immerse yourself in the bewitching beauty of our Rose & Carnation Arrangement. The enchanting mix of delicate roses and both hot and soft pink carnations captures the heart in an instant. Lovingly crafted by Lily's Florist, this exquisite assortment of flowers delivers a visual feast of contrasting hues that conjure an image of a serene sunrise or a bewitching sunset.

A Gift to Remember

Picture the joyous surprise on your friend's face at work when they receive this stunning arrangement on their birthday. This unique floral gift whispers volumes about your taste and thoughtfulness. It's not just an arrangement of flowers; it's an enduring memory, a silent declaration of your affection that leaves an indelible imprint on the heart.

Elegance in a Box

Flower delivery has never been this easy and sophisticated. Our Rose & Carnation Arrangement arrives in a beautifully coloured box, pre-filled with water for freshness, eliminating the need for a vase. We include a little bag of flower food, enhancing the longevity of the flowers and preserving their allure. Be aware that the box colour is thoughtfully chosen by us to suit the occasion, adding a final touch to this distinctive present.


Great service and site, on time and impressive. Will use it again. Order ref: 462402
Phone response was a bit too long. Very friendly and knowledgeable about the arrangement requested. Order ref: 394149
Thank you, it helps to express comfort remotely these days. Order ref: 382145
Well-priced, beautiful flowers, sadly delivered one week ahead of schedule! Invoice was for delivery on Tuesday November 30, but they arrived on the 23rd. Bit of a surprise for the birthday girl but not entirely unwelcome. Order ref: 378353
What a beautiful arrangement, my mom was so happy! I will for sure use them again. Order ref: 377289
Fast, efficient and friendly. Very efficient despite having troubles with their phones the day I ordered. They called me back several times and saved my details when their lines dropped out so I didn't have to reiterate my details etc. Order ref: 368083
The person to whom the flowers were sent was delighted with them and the flowers arrived promptly. Order ref: 340114
Prompt delivery and great flowers. Order ref: 309869
The ordering and delivery was great. From description it wasn’t the arrangement I ordered? During covid I need to order in a box so I know it can be delivered to room without all the wrapping being taken away. I am happy with actual ordering though. Thanks! Order ref: 296776
Efficient and timely. Will use them again. Order ref: 295646
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