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Do you tell your friends you appreciate them? How do you show your gratitude and how do you celebrate your friendship?

Many of our customers use our fabulous floral creations to show their friends that they love and value them. Lily’s Florist believes that it is important to show people, especially our loved ones and friends, that they matter. And one way to do this is by doing something nice for them. Surprising them with small yet thoughtful gifts like flowers is a nice gesture that communicates your gratefulness for their presence in your life.

If you are looking for wonderful thank you flowers for your friends, shop online at Lily’s Florist. Our large collection of flower gifts includes not just the usual Valentine’s Day roses, anniversary bouquets, colourful birthday flowers, get-well flower arrangements, and bouquets with chocolates. We also have an impressive selection of expressive floral arrangements that say “Thank you,” “I miss you,” and “I care about you.”

Our top choice for flowers for friendship is our arrangements designed with alstroemerias in them because this is the flower that represents friendship and prosperity. A floral ensemble with oak leaf geranium would also be perfect as this ornamental plant symbolizes true friendship.

Delphiniums are flowers of friendship, too, signifying someone’s big-heartedness. If you want a floral gift to convey loyalty, pick a Lily’s Florist creation with white chrysanthemum or violets. To celebrate long-lasting bond or friendship, send a bouquet with ivy flowers. To communicate how happy you are to get to know your best friend, send a bunch of coral or yellow roses, or a floral arrangement highlighted with bird of paradise.

Not really sure which flowers to get? Order by phone and let our partner florist help you. We have mixed blooms in vase perfect for stylishly expressing your appreciation for someone’s time and support. Let a dear friend know what you love or appreciate about her by sending a beautiful bunch of gerberas representing her cheerfulness. Do you admire your friend’s faithfulness and strength of character? Send an arrangement with gladiolus flowers to beautifully convey what you mean. Lily’s Florist can also prepare a chic floral design to let your best friend know that you always have her back.

With our busy schedule, it’s very easy to take our friends for granted and then we just simply expect them to understand and still be there for us when we need them. But with Lily’s Florist’s convenient online ordering process, your busy schedule can no longer hinder you from showing your friends how much they mean to you.

Ordering flower gifts for your friends is quick and easy when you shop at Lily’s Florist. Cart a flower ensemble from our collection, input your special message, type in the recipient’s address, pick a delivery date and settle payment in our one-page checkout. In five simple stems - which will take only about 15 minutes of your time – you can arrange a fresh flower delivery and be a great friend to your good friend.

Lily’s Florist delivers flowers by hand six days a week to anywhere in the Perth suburb of Banksia Grove. This suburb in Western Australia may not be a big place but it is a vibrant community that offers resort-style living. Banksia Grove is perfect for families as it has all the amenities a family with kids would need. The parks here are really nice, shopping centres are close by, good schools are present in the area, and the beach isn’t too far away.

Lily’s Florist delivers thank you flower arrangements, flowers with chocolates, and gift hampers to addresses around Banksia Grove Primary School, St. John Paul II Catholic Primary School, Joseph Banks Secondary College, and Discovery Park.

If you need flowers right away, Lily’s Florist offers same-day delivery for flower orders placed before 2:00 PM Monday to Friday and before 10:00 AM Saturday.