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Welcome to Lily’s Florist! Same day flowers to Bellbowrie

Have you ever had a dream about flowers? According to dream analysts, dreaming of flowers mean gentleness, beauty, kindness, and compassion. However, we can all attest that even without dreaming, flowers still signify these values. Let’s all wake up to the loveliness and aromatic scents of flowers with Lily’s Florist.

When you give flowers to someone, you touch their hearts and the moment becomes unforgettable. Turn your thoughts into reality as you send the finest flowers to your mum, friend, wife, or anyone special in Bellbowrie.

Lily’s Florist also delivers sympathy flowers to funeral homes and cemeteries including Moggill Cemetery.

Aside from bringing captivating flowers to your homes, we also have tips for you when it comes to giving flowers on different events in your life may it be a joyous celebration or a solemn gathering. It is important to know the basics in sending flowers especially when your recipient is a little sensitive about details.

Flower-giving tips by Lily’s Florist

Flowers on birthdays may be two things, it can be a gift and it can be used as decoration for birthday party venues. For presents, make sure that the flowers you choose are a favourite of the birthday celebrator or if you are not aware of this, you can go safe by sending flowers with pastel colours which are not too forward but equally beautiful.  For party decoration, match the flowers to the party motif.

Get well flowers

Undoubtedly, the sight and scent of flowers can affect a positive feeling especially for someone sick and needs comfort. However, you should also consider the patient’s condition and find out if they are allergic to a particular flower. You can ask their family members or maybe send allergy-free flowers like hydrangeas, azaleas, tulips, and hyacinths.
Sympathy flowers

In times of mourning, flowers provide comfort to the people experiencing a loss of a loved one. A sombre moment like this sometimes makes the bereaved family sensitive to certain situations and that’s why it’s right to know the proper etiquette when giving sympathy flowers. When sending to a funeral home, we encourage you to send flower baskets instead of flowers in a glass vase; however, you can opt for the latter if you are sending it to the home of the bereaved after the funeral is over.

New baby flowers

An exciting celebration like this deserves a grand floral gift for the new bundle of joy! Before choosing a floral gift arrangement, it’s better to know the baby’s gender so you can suit the colour and the gift items to the newborn baby. If you’re making a personal visit, take note of the proper schedule so you won’t interrupt feeding times.
Giving flowers is such a thoughtful gesture so ensure that you always consider your recipient so for every instance that you grace with flowers can turn it into an memorable, cherished one.

Lily’s Florist delivers same day flowers to your preferred locations in Bellbowrie from the heart. Contact our accommodating florists for your orders and your flower queries especially when you want to customise a floral design for your lucky recipient.

Our fresh-cut flowers are sourced with care and meticulously handcrafted into unique and themed arrangements. Check our flower catalogue in our easily accessible website that you can view with your iPhone, Android phone, desktop computers, or any mobile device.