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Same Day Delivery
Lily's Florist's charming flower bouquets sent fast to your doorstep the same day

You would do anything for the people you love and that includes doing a pinky swear that you will always remember and care for them no matter the distance between. There are many ways to fulfill your promise and fortunately, we can help you with one.
Send flowers to your loved one today through LILY'S FLORIST!
We are just waiting for your order because we are itching to deliver handmade creations of fresh daisies, roses, carnations, and lilies bouquets to your recipient the same day or next day. An online visit to our site will show you how we take your floral needs seriously.
Lily's Florist is your top choice for online express flower delivery
The flowers we use are the freshest and the prettiest. You can guarantee that the flowers you or your recipient will receive are hand-picked, fresh-cut before it is arranged and delivered to you.
Our partner florists are the best in town. We want to give you the ultimate best service you deserve and we trust our partner florists to represent the Lily's Florist's mission and vision. Each bouquet delivered is specially-handcrafted by a trained florist.
Flower bouquets and gift products are designed with a specific theme. We did this so you can easily choose the flower design you need whether it's for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, or birthdays. We also offer get-well flowers, new baby flowers, and sympathy flowers.
Same-day and next-day delivery services are available online for your convenience. Use your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer to order and send to your family and friends right away. For orders received before the cut-off schedule, we can deliver the flowers the same day.
With flowers, there is always a chance for you to express yourself even if it's not person to person. By just ordering online, we can tell a message of love to your recipient in Connels Point.