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Same Day Flower Delivery To Merrimac

Celebrate with Flowers from Lily's Florist

Roses, sunflowers, fragrant lilies, Australian native flowers, and more – find all these online at Lily's Florist. We offer an array of blooming gifts meant to show someone you care. Shop today and schedule next-day or same-day delivery to Merrimac. We deliver to residential and business addresses in and around Merrimac on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

'Customer service was amazing - when they realised a possible error occurred, they called immediately and reviewed both orders that were placed. ' Source: Feefo

Birthday Flowers to Merrimac QLD

Browse Lily's Florist now and discover a fine selection of bouquets, bunches, and vase arrangements. We have colourful floral designs perfect for birthdays, romantic bouquets for anniversaries, and monochromatic floral displays that are versatile and suitable for many different celebrations and gifting reasons. Most arrangements come in three sizes so there's one to match your style and budget requirements.

Add-ons like chocolates, balloons, vases, wines, and teddy bears are available. There is an option to include a personal message of up to 200 characters to make your gift extra thoughtful.

Merrimac Get Well & Sympathy Flowers Online

We can take care of home and workplace  flower deliveries, with express same-day delivery to Merrimac for orders placed before 2 PM Monday to Friday and 10 AM Saturday. This is the perfect option for last-minute gift shopping. Placing an order early in the morning will allow you to enjoy seeing your flowers arrive before the day ends.  

Our standard next-day delivery in Merrimac is another quick option to deliver fresh flowers to your or your loved one's door. Advanced ordering with delivery set on a future date is also allowed.

Lily's Florist offers an extremely convenient way to send flower gifts to your nearest and dearest. With us, you can do all your flower gift shopping in a day, with just a few swipes and taps on your smartphone. Remember, all our same day flowers are delivered by partner florists in or close to Merrimac in QLD.

5 Tips When Sending Flowers

Ready to send a floral gift to Merrimac? Allow us to help you send better flower gifts with these tips.

  • Pick a flower that reminds you of the recipient's personality. Daisies are perfect for someone who is cheerful and caring and radiates positive vibes. Daffodils are excellent for recognising someone's strong and resilient character. Frilly carnations match an artist's or creative's vibrant, daring, and motivated nature.
  • Pick a flower associated with the recipient's inclination or identity. Consider their favourite flower, colour, or scent. You can also get a floral arrangement featuring the recipient's birth flower.
  • Think about how the recipient will enjoy your floral gift. Get-well flowers for hospital delivery should be arranged in a vase so it's ready for display. Oversized floral displays may cause inconvenience when sent to a workplace. Sending an arrangement with some flowers in bud form allows the receiver to watch the flowers bloom and enjoy the arrangement for longer.

If you still need help selecting the right floral gift, just give us a call or start a live chat through our site. Our support team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you have. 

Merrimac Flower Delivery & Beyond

In addition to our same day flower delivery services to Merrimac, we also extend our services to neighbouring suburbs ensuring that your heartfelt gestures arrive promptly. Whether you're looking to send a bouquet to someone special in the serene community of Varsity Lakes, the vibrant surroundings of Robina, or the peaceful enclave of Tallai, our local network partner florists are committed to providing exquisite floral arrangements with the convenience of same day delivery. Your loved ones in these areas can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of fresh flowers just as much as those in Merrimac.