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Are you ready for the new normal?

The new normal comes with a new beginning and this new beginning is all about seeking hope, fighting negativity, and never giving up.

Find ways to keep your spirits up like placing a bright ensemble of fresh flowers in red, yellow, white, and purple in your home in Darling Point.

LILY’S FLORIST offers express flower delivery service to your friends and loved ones the same day or next day. Whether you want to send flowers right away to your recipient or pre-order on a specific date, our hardworking partner florists can always provide your hassle-free service from ordering in our website to delivering the flowers to your recipient.

High-quality flower bouquets delivered on any occasion

There may be ordinary days but with Lily’s Florist, there is no ordinary bouquet. Each floral array that you can view and order from our website are crafted by hand and styled with love by our partner florists. When you send flowers from us, expect an ordinary moment to be extra special especially for the recipient.

Stop the searching and begin selecting from our updated catalogue flower categories such as birthday flowers, assorted bunches and arrangements, sympathy flowers, new baby flowers, get well flowers, and gift hampers. Fun freebies are also available as add-ons to your chosen product like a squishy teddy bear, a box of chocolates, balloons, and a bottle of wine or sparkling.

Order today and you might grab a chance to get a voucher code which you can use to buy less 15% off the price for your selected Lily’s Florist product.

Celebrating the new YOU with flowers from Lily’s Florist 

Here’s two of our Florist’s Choice Bouquets for new beginnings.

Florist’s Choice Bunch will get you ignited to start the journey to the new you. It is a perfect morning reminder to keep things light and positive.

Florist’s Choice Posy Flower Posy might just rescue you from a stressful work environment. Cute arrangements like these can always complete one’s day, it is a sure ball of good energy!