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What’s your favourite colour?

Whatever it is, always remember that what matters most is what you can give from your heart. Like flowers, there may be red and blue, yellow and orange, violet and white but what remains is the flowers’ essence to every person’s heart – to fill it with gladness, hope, and overflowing love.

If your heart’s desire is to tell your mum you miss her or apologize to a friend for a misunderstanding and start over, then you can do it right here, right now with Lily’s Florist.

With us, you do not need to mince out words from your thoughts. Let flowers be your mouthpiece from now on.

Welcome to Lily’s Florist!

Send flowers on-demand through our talented and fast-working partner florists who can deliver the bouquet to your recipient the same day or the next day. You can order from our website. It’s safe and easy to use and there is no reason you won’t spend a few minutes of your time ordering fresh flower blooms for your home, your workplace, or for your loved ones.

In a time like this, online shopping provides enormous help in keeping you connected to the people you hardly see in Canley Vale. Your family and friends deserve a nice bouquet from you whether it is a big bunch of daisies, a cute posy of roses, or a regal bouquet of lilies.

Begin with an intention to reach out to your loved ones and leave the rest to us. With Lily’s Florist, a wonderful hand-arranged bouquet will be delivered quickly to you and your recipients.

Stand united with flowers from Lily’s Florist

Combine the colours. Combine love, hope, and joy. Here are our mixed flower bouquets for the colourful YOU!

Bright Mixed Gerbera Arrangement for a friend back in high school.

Pastel Gerbera Arrangement for a colleague you’ve had a rift before.

Bright Mixed Posy for a person you would love to know better.
Whatever differences you have with people, flowers will keep you together through Lily’s Florist.