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Same Day Delivery
Lily’s Florist’s express delivery of fresh flowers the same day

They say don’t put all your eggs in one basket, how about flowers?

Absolutely applicable because you can not only put flowers in a basket, you can also wrap it in fancy paper, in a box, in a vase, and in the loving arms of your special someone.

Before anything of that happens, you should buy some flowers first. No excuses now because on-demand flowers can be delivered to your home or your recipient’s address the same day through Lily’s Florist! Send those flowers ASAP and on the same day when you order prior to 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays.

Welcome to YOU - our newest family member here at Lily’s Florist. Friends and acquaintances easily become family with flowers, which is why our talented network of florists works hard to provide you with the most creative, loveliest hand-arranged flowers in Tarro.

Be our next customer and experience the most charming floral bouquets and excellent customer service. Order from online store by using your desktop computer or your smart phone. Our website is easy to use and secured, so you won’t have to worry about your personal information when you pay via Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, and American Express cards.

Oh, the lilies, roses, daisies and many more are waiting for you. Not only that, our plant and gift arrangements also can’t wait to welcome you!

So, what kind of flower gift packaging do your prefer to send and receive?

A hand-tide bouquet in attractive paper wrap – this packaging is a common choice when it comes to romance and winning. People give this to the person they love on all occasions, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or wedding proposal! A wrapped bouquet is also a common symbol of honour and congratulations for a person who won a competition or got a promotion.

Set-in-a-box flowers – this bouquet in a box is a ready-for-display gift that is frequently sent to signify a warm welcome, unending gratitude, or a get-well token for someone recovering in the hospital. Lily’s Florist has a whole collection of set-in-a-box flower bouquet arrangements that can be sent on the same day.

Flowers in a vase – if you want to elegantly display the fresh-cut flowers you have received, simply put it in a vase. Check out our vase collection now!
Order your same-day flowers today!