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Same Day Flowers Delivery To Frankston VIC

Order Flowers Online Or Call 1800 466 534


Need a bright bouquet of mixed blooms delivered to Carrum Downs? A yellow and orange floral arrangement to Langwarrin? Wherever you need floral gifts in Frankston, in the southeast of Melbourne, Lily’s Florist is here to deliver. Shop today and explore our wide selection of hand-arranged bunches and bouquets to fit all occasions. 

Convenient Flower Shopping at Lily’s Florist

Save time from your precious day by doing your flower shopping online at Lily’s Florist. No need to drive. The flower gift you need is only a click away! Shop by category to quickly find what you’re looking for. Check our Bestsellers, too, for our most loved floral creations. 

Lily’s Florist offers a wide variety of floral designs to suit every taste, budget, and celebration. Most arrangements are offered in three sizes to accommodate your specific needs. Non-floral gifts like chocolates, vases, and champagnes are available as extras to make your flower gift more special. 

Bouquet Delivery Same Day to Frankston

Express delivery is available six days a week with same-day delivery Monday to Friday for orders placed before 2pm local time. Saturday same-day delivery to Frankston applies to purchases made before 10am in the recipient’s time zone. Our partner florists deliver flower arrangements to houses, offices, hospitals and clinics, churches, schools, retirement villages and aged care facilities. 

You can also order today for a future delivery date, so you don’t miss any special day. 

Send Flower Arrangements to Melbourne Today

For flower gifts for both joyful and solemn events, turn to Lily’s Florist. We have the blooming gifts you need to mark a milestone, celebrate a big day, or honour a special person. From birthday flowers and new baby floral arrangements to get-well and sympathy flower gifts, our team is ready to provide a lush and creative display of flowers. 

Wide variety, timely delivery, and value for money – these are what you can expect from Lily’s Florist. Shop today and get discounted flowers for your loved ones or for yourself to enjoy.