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​Lily’s Florist - gets the flower job done. Same day to Algester

Looking for fresh flowers in Algester shouldn’t cause you any stress. You have Lily’s Florist to promptly and efficiently address all of your flower delivery needs in the area.

Whether you need flowers for a special occasion or flowers for an ordinary day delivered to a special person, you can count on  Lily’s Florist. With our vast assortment of flower gifts and budget-friendly prices, every day is easily a flower-worthy day.

In here, you can find a large selection of fragrant and attractive flowers as well as picture-perfect, thoughtful and symbolic flower gifts. We can help you pick the right blooms to match the season, event or occasion, the personality of the recipient, or the message you wish to convey.

To help you get started, the expert florists from Lily’s Florist have these guidelines to share.

When choosing anniversary flowers, red rose bouquets are your foolproof choice. But if you want to send something unusual, tulips would make an excellent alternative. Our dainty carnations that represent your beloved’s delicate heart that you intend to keep and protect would be a great choice, too.  You can also send a fine bouquet of mixed seasonal flowers to represent the wonderful journey of love you’ve shared as a couple.

Lily’s Florist suggests getting bright and showy bunches and bouquets when sending birthday flowers.  You can pick a floral ensemble in the recipient’s favourite colour or birth flower. Our orange posy is a perky and affordable choice. Get our yellow lilies for a more elegant birthday flower gift. Consider adding a bottle of sparkling wine to toast to someone’s another blessed year.

It is best to also get a colourful floral bunch or arrangement when sending a congratulations message.  Check out our bright mixed bunches and flower sets in a box. The former may be made extra special with an added vase gift. The latter is a more convenient gift option as it already includes a box container that serves as a vase. We have boxed arrangements in pink, red, yellow, orange, and white colour palette.

Need flowers to say thank you? Lily’s Florist recommends gerbera daisies. This popular blossom is loved for its cheery appearance and vibrant colours. A bunch of gerberas will surely brighten the day of the lucky recipient. You may want to include a basket of savoury treats or chocolates to accompany your thank you flower gift.

We can also help you with the delivery of get well flowers, I’m sorry flowers, and housewarming floral gifts.  Lily’s Florist also has sympathy flowers and funeral wreaths available for delivery to funeral homes, churches and chapels, cemeteries, and residences.   Seasonal floral creations like Christmas flowers, Mother’s Day flowers, and Valentine’s Day flowers are also available here at Lily’s Florist.

Each floral ensemble delivered by Lily’s Florist is meticulously prepared by hand by a top-notch partner florist. When you want impressive flowers at the right prices, you can find them here at Lily’s Florist.  We make flower gift shopping so easy and convenient and affordable for you. You can order online from our webstore that’s open 24/7 or place your order by phone.   Lily’s Florist delivers flowers and gift hampers six days a week. We have a speedy same-day delivery service for flower orders placed before 2:00PM Monday to Friday and before 10:00 AM Saturday.

Lily’s Florist has delivered bouquets, bunches, vase arrangements, and flower sets in a box to addresses around Algester State School, St. Stephen’s Primary School, Wisdom College,  Col Bennett Park, Algester Lodge Nursing Home, Pulse Medical Algester, and Timberland Park.