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Lily’s Florist have been delivering flowers to customers all across Annerley for many years.

What’s the best surprise you have ever given someone? Remember how you felt? That fantastic feeling that you were able to make someone feel so good?  Let Lily’s Florist help you recreate that feeling.

We, at Lily’s Florist, specialise in creating and delivering “just because” flower gifts. We believe that one of the most thoughtful and heartwarming presents you can give someone is a little unexpected gift. Just because you’re thinking of them. Just because you think they deserve it. Just because they’re your friend or they’re part of your life. Just because you haven’t heard from them in a while. Just because you feel like sending some good vibes their way.

Our fresh flower arrangements are the perfect “just because” gifts because they’re beautiful, symbolic, inexpensive, and can be delivered on the same day of purchase.

Unexpected Flower Gifts That Melts The Heart

Sending a small “just because” flower gift to someone you care about won’t take much of your time, or money. Ordering colourful, fresh flowers online at Lily’s Florist is super easy and won’t take more than five minutes. Our flower categories will help you select the best floral gift to send to family and friends. Our one-page checkout will make your online flower shopping quick and convenient. Order before 2:00PM Monday to Friday and Lily’s Florist will get your floral bunch or bouquet ready for same-day delivery. Awesome, right?

Lily’s Florist knows awesome.  We’re aware with the awesome fact that humans are innately predisposed to enjoy unexpected rewards and we can awesomely provide you with those little surprise treasures you can share with your loved ones without having to empty your bank account. We know the language of flowers and we know how to use it to your advantage. We’ve got fabulously expressive floral gifts at equally fabulous prices so you’ll always enjoy an awesome deal.

Many of Lily’s Floris’s customers picked the following floral creations as among the most awesome “just because floral gifts:

> Rose and Gerbera Posy
> Florist’s Choice Bunch with Free Chocolates
> Natives with Free Vase
> Floriade Arrangement
> 2 Lily Stems in Glass Vase

At Lily’s Florist, we think of the floral designs and you simply choose. We showcase our creations at our online store so you only have to click and pick. Nominate a date and address, we’ll deliver your floral gift there on time and in perfect condition.

Same Day Flower Delivery to Annerley

Also available for delivery are flower gifts for birthdays, graduations, new baby celebrations, anniversaries, and other special occasions like Christmas, Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day.  You can also buy sympathy flowers, flower arrangements with fruits, flowers with chocolates and bouquets with wine here at Lily’s Florist. 

We have the freshest and the most expressive flower arrangements you can give to family and friends. Lily’s Florist made these gorgeous floral creations available at the cheapest cost possible so you can send flower gifts more frequently (and spread good vibes more often) without having to worry about the budget.

We’ve heard it again and again: it’s the thought that counts. It is a cliché but true. It’s not the cost, the size, or the amount of effort put in acquiring the gift that will matter. What matters the most is what the gift implies, what it means to both the sender and the recipient. Lucky you, you have Lily’s Florist to provide you with inexpensive but very expressive and impressive bouquets and flower gifts meant to brighten someone’s day and make them feel awesome, just because.