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A delivery florist with no hassle plus the finest flowers to give to your loved ones and friends? We know what you’re looking for!

Do you have sentiments about a number of delivery fails you have encountered? Your intention to surprise someone faced a pitfall because of late deliveries and wilted flowers. Circumstances might have been unfortunate but you can stop worrying now – Lily’s Florist is here to save the day!

Lily’s Florist always puts importance to our customers. The flower arrangements we create are based on the ever evolving preferences of our loyal patrons through time. Our partner florists never stop researching and training when it comes to the modern concepts of floristry.

Lily’s Florist is also open to customisation requests if you want to put on a more personal touch to your floral gift.

Rest assured that when you trust us with your same day or next day flower delivery need, we will do our best to deliver the flowers to your recipient’s front door on-time and in perfect condition.

Did you know that you can also give flowers to men? Of course you can! Men might not be expressive when it comes to their emotions but they truly have a soft heart every time they receive a sweet gesture from someone.

Why don’t we talk about that more?

Here’s Lily’s Florist’s top picks for floral gifts for men.

Happy Father’s Day!

Fathers also deserve flowers on their special day. They might look stern and always serious but their hearts always melt whenever their children make an effort to appreciate them. Get a shy smile from your dad by giving him a box of colourful gerberas plus a bottle of wine for a little celebration.

Happy Anniversary!

Maybe you have received a lot of flowers in your lifetime during anniversaries and celebrations, why don’t you try something new and be the one to send a bouquet of gorgeous flowers to your main man on your anniversary? Get the heat on with red, yellow, and orange flowers on his coffee table plus a box of his favourite chocolates to make the day sweeter.

Happy Birthday!

If you don’t know what to give to your brother or male cousin on their birthdays then you better consider flowers for a change. Sure they’ll wonder why but when they place the flowers on their windowsill or study table, they will surely be amazed on how light it feels when you have flowers around. We recommend some white lilies and orange gerberas for their viewing pleasure.
Be happy!

Do you have a friend or colleague that needs some cheering up? They might be undergoing some challenges or might be recovering in the hospital. Do them a favour and bring a shed of light to their gloomy days with sunflowers. Yellow and vibrant, these flowers will surely give them a reason to smile and be hopeful.

Here at Lily’s Florist, we give value both to our flowers and its recipients, no matter what the gender is. Flowers are universal for everyone.

Fast delivery and on-demand flowers to Balmoral 

Balmoral is one of the inner suburbs in Queensland, Australia. Its name was derived from the Scottish Gaelic words meaning majestic castle and was also named after Queen Victoria’s county residence in Scotland. In 2011, the population was reported to be 3,827 in number.

Residing in Balmoral can be equated to peaceful and recreational living. It is home to several schools, one of which is the high-standard Balmoral State Highschool. A place proven to be very suitable for families with kids, Balmoral is also close to nature. Green foliage and rivers in the surrounds make a great combination for unwinding and relaxation for both locals and tourists.
Never hesitate and blink an eye when ordering your flowers because you better not miss the irresistible deals and products that you can only find at Lily’s Florist.