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Stunning same day flowers delivered to your doorstep by Lily’s Florist 

This is your schedule for the week.
Monday: Sister-in-law’s birthday
Tuesday: Friend’s bridal shower
Wednesday: Colleague’s promotion party
Thursday: Visit sick cousin in the hospital
Friday: Welcome the new neighbours
Saturday: Anniversary night with love
Sunday: Quality time with parents
Well it looks like your week is fully loaded! Now you’re wondering how to buy presents for your family and friends in Belmont, Brisbane since you’re busy all day at work or at home. No worries, Lily’s Florist has everything you need! The answer to your worries is flowers. You can make any event special with flowers whether it is a birthday, anniversary, or memorial service you are going to. Lily’s Florist handcrafted flower bouquets and bunches promise you fresh flowers conveniently delivered to you and fast service you can always depend on.
Have your flowers delivered the same day when you order by 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays. Order online now by using your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop computer then you can pay via our trusted payment partners like Paypal, VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, and American Express cards.
Seven days of Flowers by Lily’s Florist 

Have the greatest week of your life as you bring flowers from our shop to your recipient’s doorstep when you order online from Lily’s Florist.
On Monday, it’s her birthday. Give her something to complete her day like Bright Bunch + Teddy + Birthday Balloon.
On Tuesday, shower a bride-to-be with the beauty of roses in red or pink. Magnify her beauty on a memorable day with Beautiful Rose Arrangement ready for display.
On Wednesday, say your congratulations for a job well done with Blissful Botanics Bunch!
On Thursday, someone needs flowers for a speedy recovery; we deliver Yellow Lily Arrangement to hospitals and home care facilities.
On Friday, it’s welcome your neighbours day. A Gift hamper with Savoury Treats is a sure combo winner.
On Saturday, cuddle time with darling. Cap of the day with Celebration Package with flowers, chocolates, and a bottle of sparkling!
On Sunday, we honour our parents. Send them our ready for display boxed Floriade Arrangement.
With flowers, there is always something to look forward to. Anyone’s day can be better through flowers, now it’s your turn to feel the love – reward yourself with fresh, fragrant flowers by Lily’s Florist .