

Lily's Florist offers fast, refillable, affordable flower delivery to Mildura VIC. Order before 2 PM weekdays or 10 AM Saturdays for same-day flowers delivery. Send surprise bouquets to family, friends, or neighbours easily. We offer daily SALE items and flowers under $50 for budget-friendly options like our Wrapped Red Roses. Another popular option is our Australian Natives With Chocolates, a must for birthdays, new baby's and funerals in Mildura. Pay securely online with credit card or PayPal. Our partner Mildura florists make perfect bouquets to suit your budget without compromising quality. Send joy with Lily's Florist today – buy now online on call a flower expert today on 1800 466 534.

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist Delivery To Mildura

Lily's Florist to Mildura VIC - reviews

Welcome to Lily's Florist, we are the epitome of fast, affordable, and captivating flower delivery to Mildura VIC. Whether you're reaching out to a loved one from across the city or halfway across the world, we make it easy to send love and joy through a bunch of fresh, handmade flowers. 

Is your sister or Mum celebrating her birthday today? Send her some love; Lily’s Florist delivers same-day flowers to all locations in Mildura. You can send flowers the same day by ordering on or before 2 PM, but the earlier the better, on weekdays and prior to 10 AM on Saturdays. We're closed every Sunday of the year except Mother's Day Sunday, and if Valentine's Day happens to fall on a Sunday.

Flower Delivery Highlights

Same-Day Delivery - Order by 2 PM weekdays or 10 AM Saturdays for same-day flower delivery anywhere in Mildura. Special Sunday service for Mother's Day and Valentine's Day.
Budget-Friendly Options - Daily SALE offers and flowers under $50 available, ensuring beautiful arrangements for every budget without compromising on quality.
Secure Online Payment - Convenient and safe payment options through credit card or PayPal, with guaranteed protection of your personal information.
Expert Local Florists - Network of skilled partner florists in Mildura crafting hand-arranged flowers for all occasions, from birthdays to sympathy arrangements.

Send Mildura Birthday Flowers

Send Mildura Birthday Flowers

You can attest that when we say unparalleled, it is because we are confident of the skills of our network partner MIldura florists. We know that they can express in flowers whatever message you want to communicate to your recipient.

If you are too busy to go out and personally buy flowers for someone in Mildura, we are your go-to shop when it comes to fast and convenient flower delivery services. Surprise your wife, parents, sister, friend, teacher, or even the new neighbour with our hand-arranged flower treasures.

At Lily’s Florist, we want everyone to have an opportunity to spread good times by connecting to people through flowers to Mildura. Flourishing your relationship with others need not be expensive, so we have come up with various options for those who want to save up big and still get the prettiest flower creation there is.

Express Funeral Flowers to Mildura

funeral & sympathy flowers delivery in Mildura

We have everyday SALE offers for everybody where some of our flower packages are priced at such a low cost. Our products on sale range from our single-wrapped selection to bouquets and flower packages with freebies to Mildura daily. Rest assured that the flowers we present here are as fresh and stunning as the others; the only difference is the price! You can also browse from our FLOWERS UNDER $50 for more choices of cost-wise flowers.

You can pay for flowers to Mildura conveniently online through your credit card or PayPal account, and we will handle the rest. Your privacy is our paramount priority, and we assure you that your personal information is safe from any phishing attempts.

Lily's Florist stands by to bring your affection and sentiments to life through our vibrant and fresh flower arrangements. Our Mildura partner florist experts are ready to craft the perfect bouquet to suit your budget without compromising on the quality. Make the choice to send joy with Lily's Florist today – buy now! 

Delivery Information for Mildura VIC

Do you deliver to Mildura and surrounding areas?

Yes! We provide flower delivery services throughout Mildura and surrounding areas including Irymple, Red Cliffs, Merbein, and Gol Gol (NSW). We also deliver to outlying areas like Buronga, Wentworth, and Cardross.

Can I nominate a delivery time?

While we don't guarantee specific delivery times due to various factors like weather conditions, we do our best to accommodate timing preferences. For deliveries to businesses in the CBD, Mildura Base Hospital, or Mildura Private Hospital, we understand timing can be crucial and will work to deliver during business hours.

Do you deliver same day?

Yes, we offer same-day delivery Monday through Saturday for orders placed before 2:00 PM. For Mildura and immediate surrounding areas, we often can accommodate slightly later orders, but it's best to order early to ensure timely delivery.

What are your delivery fees?

Our standard delivery fee is $16.95. For local deliveries within Mildura and immediate surrounding suburbs, we often can offer priority delivery at no extra charge. Additional fees may apply for deliveries to outer areas or during peak times.

Ordering and Products

How do I place an order?

You can order:

  • Online through our website 24/7
  • By phone during business hours (Monday-Friday 7 AM-6 PM, Saturday 7 AM-12 PM)

Do you deliver to hospitals?

Yes, we regularly deliver to:

  • Mildura Base Public Hospital
  • Mildura Private Hospital
  • Local medical centres Please provide the patient's name, ward, and room number when ordering.

Do you deliver to wineries and function venues?

Absolutely! We deliver to many local wineries and venues including:

  • Local cellar doors
  • Mildura Rowing Club
  • Mildura Working Man's Club
  • Quality Hotel Mildura Grand
  • Sunraysia Resort

What happens if no one is home?

For residential deliveries in Mildura and surrounding areas, if no one is home, we'll try to leave the flowers in a safe, shaded spot protected from the intense Murray Mallee sun. If this isn't possible, we'll contact the recipient to arrange an alternative delivery time.

Special Occasions

Do you cater for agricultural events and field days?

Yes! We understand Mildura's agricultural heritage and regularly provide flowers for:

  • Corporate agricultural events
  • Field days
  • Industry award ceremonies
  • Farming conferences
  • Seasonal celebrations

Can you help with special event bookings?

Yes! We provide flowers for events at various local venues including:

  • Weddings at local wineries
  • Functions at the Grand Hotel
  • Events at the Mildura Arts Centre
  • Business conferences
  • School formals at local venues

Do you deliver to cross-border locations?

Yes, we deliver to NSW locations including Wentworth, Buronga, Gol Gol, and Dareton. Please note that delivery times may vary for cross-border deliveries.

Payment and Security

Is it safe to order online?

Yes, our website is secured with SSL encryption to protect your personal and payment information. We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.

Do you provide tax invoices?

Yes, we automatically send tax invoices via email for all orders. All our prices include GST.

Need more help?

Call us at 1800 466 534 or use our live chat service on our website. Our experienced team is happy to help with any questions about our flowers and delivery services.