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Same Day Delivery
Make floral wishes come true with Lily's Florist's same-day delivery
Distance makes two people miss each other,
But love makes them stick together,
Flowers create the bridge for their happy ever after.
And there are a thousand more things that flowers can do for you and to the ones you treasure. Right now, flowers can give you a reason to enjoy the day and hopefully you can also spread the sunshine to others who might need it too.
Welcome aboard to your one and only floral stop here at Lily's Florist!
Lily's Florist offers same-day and next-day delivery services to you and your loved ones in Engadine. The flower bouquets and bunches you need are all here and available for your floral needs.
If you need to decorate your home for an occasion, you can choose from our set-in-a-box collection of handcrafted flowers under our Arrangements category. Meanwhile, for birthday bouquets, our birthday floral packages are a certified hit among celebrators. There is also a separate range of various designs of rose bouquets for the rose lovers out there.
Our team also delivers Get well flowers to hospitals and Sympathy flowers to funeral homes and cemeteries. Send the same day when you order before the cut-off time of 2:00 PM from Mondays through Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays.
Have a quick shopping session in our website anytime you need to buy flowers for your loved ones in Engadine. Even if you are miles away, Lily's Florist will always find a way to brighten up the day of your sweetheart.
Be up to date about our special discount offers and newest floral products when you connect with us online through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and We Heart It.
Lily's Florist Presents...
Three Wrapped Red Roses bouquet is an affordable alternative if you want to surprise your significant other with ravishing red fragrant roses. The roses itself are quite pretty and with its charming wrapped design, all you need to add is a simple note of “I'll always love you” and the romantic gesture goes deep in the heart.