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Same Day Delivery
Save up to 15% off on your purchase of selected flower arrangements. Order before 2PM (Monday to Friday) for fast same-day delivery. For your urgent flower needs, you have Lily’s Florist to rely on.

A trusted online florist with a team of local flower experts in Melbourne, we offer professionally arranged bouquets and flowers in vases perfect as thoughtful presents for your loved ones. Whatever celebration you’re commemorating, we have the ideal flower gift to bring cheer and make such a special day extra memorable.

Bouquets and Gifts for All Occasions

Explore our Bunches and Arrangements and find great deals on fresh blooms prepared by creative florists. With our beautiful flower gifts, you’d get to discover how a glorious ensemble of frilly pink carnations and luscious pink snapdragons can melt someone’s heart. Order now for someone you care about and see how your simple flower gift can deliver a huge impact.

Shop for romantic flowers as well as cheery birthday flowers and congratulations bouquets. Lily’s Florist offers a variety of floral gifts for every occasion. Wish someone a happy birthday or send get well wishes with one of our flower arrangements.

Send Flowers to Caulfield South

We deliver bouquets, bunches, flowers with gifts, and gift hampers to both residential and commercial areas of Caulfield South. We can reach homes around Caulfield Primary School and Princes Park. Need a flower sent straight to Brighton General Cemetery? Count on us. We can also deliver fresh flowers to offices, schools, churches, funeral homes, and aged care facilities.

Melbourne Online Florist Same Day Delivery

Buy flowers online at Lily’s Florist and get the best value for your money. Our partner florists pick flowers for their beauty and longevity. We want to make sure that our customers will enjoy the blooms not just for a few days but for a few weeks at least.

Shop today and discover the irresistible deals we’ve prepared for you!