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With hundreds and thousands of successful deliveries in our more than a decade-long experience in the flower industry, you can put your complete trust in Lily’s Florist.

Celebrate life’s special moments with fresh flowers hand-arranged by our highly skilled partner flowers. Browse our collection today for bunches, bouquets, and floral gifts for every occasion.

Beautiful Flower Gifts for Every Special Moment    

We have the perfect flowers to mark big and small milestones and celebrations. We even have flowers to turn ordinary days extraordinary. We've covered your needs, from birthday blooms and anniversary roses to sympathy floral arrangements and get-well flower gifts. If you need something extra special for someone you care about the most – turn to us!

Lily’s Florist has a wide array of creatively designed floral gifts featuring fuchsia and magenta blooms, the prettiest pink roses, pure white lilies, fragrant flowers, the cheeriest sunflowers, and one-of-a-kind native Australian blooms. In addition to fresh flowers, we also have extras like vases, teddy bears, wines, and chocolates that can elevate the impact of your gift.

Trouble-Free Gift Shopping at Lily’s Florist

Choose from our different categories or quickly use the search button to find a specific need. Don’t forget to browse our On Sale and Freebies sections for the best online flower deals. Most bunches are offered in multiple sizes to fit your needs.

Our online flower store is open 24/7 so you can shop for fresh flowers anytime, from any time zone. Just make sure you check out your cart before 2 PM Monday to Friday in the recipient’s time for same-day delivery. Please order before 10 AM Saturday for same-day flower delivery to Clarence Park.

Clarence Park Flowers Same-Day Delivery

Our partner florists are ready and waiting to attend to your fresh flower needs. Go ahead and make a special day extra memorable with a truly attractive and impressive flower gift. Lily’s Florist assures you of floral arrangements that will catch eyes and warm hearts.

Shop our bestsellers and see our much-loved designs. Feel free to order flowers for yourself, too, so you can personally experience how it feels to see and receive a Lily’s Florist creation.