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No need to spend a fortune to get a lush and impressive bouquet of fresh flowers.  Shop online at Lily’s Florist for luxe bouquets at very reasonable costs.  We’re here to provide you with stunningly unique floral creations featuring fresh and flawless flowers that our partner florists have carefully inspected and selected.

Discover attractive floral displays and gorgeous floral gifts by exploring our collections now.

Luxurious Flower Gifts at Lily’s Florist

Shop at Lily’s Florist now and find an array of lush and lavish floral gifts to send to your family and friends in Queensland.  We have all kinds of luxurious bouquets and floral arrangements to impress and bring joy to your nearest and dearest.  Get our rustic luxe ensemble of Australian native flowers and enjoy a beautiful sight of blooms in season and wildflowers in varying tones and textures.  We also have mixed floral arrangements with a bright luxe vibe that’s sure to add a sophisticated ambiance to wherever it is displayed.  When sending a message of love, our rose bouquets have that undeniable romantic luxe look that will surely get your thoughtful message delivered.

Buy Hand-Arranged Bouquets Online

We are the online flower expert you can count on for all of your fresh flower needs.  We have celebration flowers for marking special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays.  We also have get-well and sympathy flowers as well as expressive bouquets for saying “I love you” or “I’m sorry.”

Our floral creations feature classic and modern floral designs showcasing the natural beauty of nature’s loveliest gift.  We source our flowers from the best local and international growers to ensure that what we’ll give you are of top quality and will last as long as possible.

Same-Day Flower Delivery to Darra QLD

When you need marvelous floral arrangements for any and every occasion, just turn to Lily’s Florist.  We deliver fresh flowers from Monday to Saturday and offer same-day and next-day deliveries.  You can likewise place a flower order for delivery at a future date.

For Monday to Friday same-day delivery to Darra, shop by 2 PM local time.  For Saturday same-day delivery, get your order in by 10 AM.  Our dedicated partner florists will take care of getting your chosen floral design ready and delivered right to the recipient’s doorstep.