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Same Day Delivery
Share the beauty of nature by arranging a flower delivery for someone you love in Fitzroy. Order online at Lily’s Florist and let us prepare striking displays of handpicked flowers and foliage for your loved ones. No need to wait for a special occasion to send a flower gift. Shop right now and take advantage of our flower deals, and at the same time, be in touch with your far away friends and relatives.

Online Flowers To Fitzroy

We have a well-maintained and secure online flower shop ready to accept flower orders 24/7. You can buy flowers wherever you are in the world, at whatever time that’s convenient for you. Whether you’re in Australia or in another part of the globe, you can easily send little surprises to your nearest and dearest. Get a fresh flower gift today and see how your sweet little floral gift can make a big difference in someone’s day. 

Fitzroy Flower Gifts for Every Occasion

And when you’re celebrating a special day, you can also count on Lily’s Florist. Our wide variety of fresh flower gifts include birthday bouquets, roses for anniversaries, graduation flowers, and new baby floral arrangements. We also have flower gifts that can help you articulate what’s in your heart. Express gratitude, regret, sympathy, or love through our hand-arranged bouquets. 

Treats that make delightful gifts are also available. Pair a bouquet of pastel flowers with a box of chocolates for an extra sweet gift. A bottle of wine goes well with a premium bouquet of long-stemmed red roses. Pick a basket of fruits to go along with your get well flower gift.

Online Flower Shop with Same Day Delivery to Fitzroy

Order today and we’ll deliver the flowers the same day! Please get your cart ready for checkout before 2PM if it’s a weekday and before 10AM if it’s a Saturday. Feel free to order ahead so you don’t miss out any occasion.

Make sure you also check our On Sale section and our Freebies category for the best flower deals in Fitzroy.