
Flower Arrangements

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Always be in touch and never miss out on momentous events with our flower arrangements. Lily’s Florist’s collection of various flower creations featuring the freshest flowers is about to change your perspective on giving and receiving flowers. Lily’s Florist employs a dynamic approach on flower arrangement by combining both modern and traditional concepts in the art of floristry. As your top delivery florist, you can expect the best arrangements flower gifts that will help you nurture and deepen your relationships with your loved ones.

Do You Like Flower Arrangements?

Maybe yes, maybe not so much; and if you are a flower lover, we’re 100% sure you will adore our collection of fresh flower arrangements! Otherwise, prepare yourself because this might be the beginning of your unexpected affinity with all things floral.

Using farm fresh flowers, our trained partner florists make their skilful hands busy with arranging flowers with passion. Each flower arrangement not only features the beauty of flowers but also the emotional appeal it wants to get through to people. For one, our Rose and Carnation arrangement presents the exquisite characters of both pink roses and carnations as well as the warmth and affection that the giver would like to send to his or her recipient. With a Lily’s Florist flower arrangement, giving flowers is no longer just an ordinary gesture. It becomes an act of love, goodwill, and kindness.

If you are ready to express your heart’s desire through flower arrangements, we will be more than glad to help you. Our wide array of flower arrangements selection will not disappoint, in fact, we have a variety of flower arrangements you can choose from. Aside from roses and carnations, we also have lilies, gerberas, Australian native flowers, and an assortment of flower species in different sizes and hues. Rest assured that we will deliver these flower arrangements promptly in crisp condition to your recipient.

Flower Arrangements That Deliver Happiness

Our flower arrangements are more than just eye candies. They will fill the recipient’s home with optimism and fill the recipient’s heart with gladness. Studies have proved the positive effects of fresh flowers on a person’s emotional and mental health. They say a flower’s appearance, colour, and fragrance can alleviate stress, boost mood, inspire creativity, and ease away anxiety. It could be because flower arrangements easily connects us to nature and grounds our mind and spirit hence we become more mindful, more present, more in touch with our inner selves, more hopeful and joyful. What MBTI type are you, or the friend you are giving flowers to?

See those fresh flowers used as décor in social events? They’re there not just to beautify the surroundings but also to create a warm and welcoming ambiance among guests. Flowers are seen to be beneficial in uplifting one’s self-esteem and improving one’s ability to trust. The natural charm of flowers makes anyone who sees it smile hence that person appears to be more open, approachable, friendly, and receptive.

Likewise, flowers make people happy because they can bring people closer. If you want to deepen your connection with a family member or a far away friend, just send one of our hand-prepared flower arrangements. Our Deal of the Day is an inexpensive floral ensemble that can help you keep in touch with your loved ones. Our Florist’s Choice Arrangement is another great value flower gift that can bring you closer, on an emotional level, to your family and friends. These flower gifts act as messengers of your love and care. Actions speak louder than words, remember? So express your affection towards those you value by surprising them with a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers.

Show a little more thoughtfulness by choosing your loved one’s favourite flowers. You can also pick an arrangement in the recipient’s favourite colour. Send a flower gift even when there’s no occasion to celebrate. You can send it to the recipient’s residence or her place of work. A small flower delivery surprise is enough to make a big change in your loved one’s day. Your gift will show that you care and there’s nothing more comforting than knowing that someone is always there.

Flower Arrangements Delivered Same Day Australia-Wide

Make sure you don’t miss out on our stunning floral creations because these can definitely be the present your loved ones are waiting for! Send flowers now! We deliver these floral arrangements the same day; make sure to order before 2 PM on weekdays and before 10 AM on Saturdays. Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers fast and on-time.

Hop on the fun times with our breathtaking floral arrangements. Our products are perfect as gifts during the important days of the year like Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's Day, Father’s day, and even Valentine’s Day!

Lily’s Florist flower arrangements are also a fitting tribute for a departed love done or a sign of comfort for the family left behind. We deliver the arrangements directly to funeral homes, chapels and cemeteries.

Our set in a box arrangement makes the floral experience even better because you can immediately display the flowers upon receipt so no need for your recipient to look for a vase. That means you can order these beauties for your home, for your neighbour’s home, your office desk, and for a family member or loved one admitted in a hospital.

Double the joy your flower gift delivers by adding some extra gifts. Make your own floral package by adding balloons, chocolates, teddy bear, vases, or sparkling wine. We also have a wide assortment of gift hampers to make any flower gift extra thoughtful.

Order Fresh Flower Arrangements Online or By Phone

Shopping for flowers at Lily’s Florist is so easy! Use your iPhone, Android phone, or desktop computer to go to our website. Check our flower catalogue and order conveniently in our online shop. Once done, pay with your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express credit cards or your PayPal account. Count on our local florist partners to promptly deliver your flower gift. To place an order by phone call us on 1800 466 534.

Feel free to browse our other flower categories and check out our awesome flower deals. Score big discounts on a flower set in a box or get a free vase or a free box of chocolates. Order flowers at Lily’s Florist now and make one of the best decisions in your life! Be one of the many happy patrons of Lily’s Florist who have delivered joy and delight to their family and friends through a Lily’s Florist floral creation.

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