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Shop at Lily’s Florist today and discover affordable, handcrafted flower gifts and floral arrangements. We have everything you need - from delicate pink carnations and cheerful sunflowers to dazzling roses and striking native Australian flowers. Conveniently order bouquets with wine or chocolates, roses with teddy bear, all-white sympathy floral arrangements, get well flower gifts, or native flowers in a vase.

Kings Park Fresh Flower Delivery

Buying fresh flowers for your loved ones or yourself is hassle-free when you do it online at Lily’s Florist. Our safe and secure platform assures you of a stress-free flower shopping experience. Shop by category or use the Search button to find what you need instantly. Extra gifts like balloons, chocolates, wines, and classic glass vases can be added to any floral ensemble.

Delivery to Kings Park in Adelaide is available six days a week. Order in advance or do your last-minute gift shopping with us. We offer same-day flower delivery for orders placed before 2 pm Monday to Friday and before 10 am Saturday in the recipient’s time zone.

Convenient Flower Shopping at Lily’s Florist

All the bunches, bouquets, and floral arrangements that we deliver are prepared with keen attention to detail by highly skilled florists. We have partner florists whose knowledge of floristry and the language of flowers set them apart from the rest. Order right now and personally experience what it is like to buy from and receive flowers from Lily’s Florist.

Our vast assortment of floral creations includes celebration flowers and “just because” flowers you can get for your loved ones and for yourself, for no reason at all. Indulge “just because” and treat yourself to your favourite blooms. Surprise a loved one with an “I miss you” or Thinking of You bouquet.

Order Bouquets for All Occasions

Turn to us when you need eye-catching and heartwarming flower gifts for your nearest and dearest. Our partner florists deliver blooming gifts to homes, hospitals, offices, aged care facilities, churches, schools, and business addresses. We’d gladly take care of your most urgent fresh flower delivery needs.

Shop right this minute at Lily’s Florist and get amazing flowers at reasonable prices.