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Same Day Delivery

Breathtaking blooms of artisanal flowers delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist 

The talk of the town is finally coming to your doorstep. Lily’s Florist provides fast delivery of same day flowers, arranged by hand by our partner florists. Our team offers various flower bouquets and bunches with designs inspired by true to life events, moments, and celebrations.

Flowers are still the best gifts for your loved ones in Kooragang

Even if the times are different now, going old school is still a tad more romantic than the latest ways of giving gifts nowadays. What’s good about it is that here at Lily’s Florist, we combine the best of both worlds to serve you better. The latest technology in flower delivery plus the most beautiful flowers in Kooragang – gift made from heaven!

Lily’s Florist delivers original and handmade floral masterpieces to your family and friends in Kooragang the same day when you order by 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays. Our website will be a place full of surprises for you when you browse it using your Iphone, Android phone, laptop, and desktop computer.

Send our flowers to a birthday celebrator, a friend who got engaged, your sister who is about to give birth, or to an acquaintance who is mourning of a loss. Lily’s Florist will also let you give the most heart-warming gifts on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day, and even Christmas Day!

Top 3 Bestsellers from Lily’s Florist 

Roses and Carnations Bunch – A gem of pink hues from our Roses collection is about to open the heart of your recipient. When you want people to love the concept of love, you give them something to remind of its charisma every now and then. Sent in a vase, this outrageously pretty bunch is perfect for your romantic journeys.

Gorgeous White Bunch – Looking for flowers which can represent the pureness of your intention? Our bunches collection offers you this spotlessly attractive white roses bouquet intertwined with the greenest foliage to symbolise your true self opening up to your recipient.

Mixed Orange Arrangement – Get your energy ball rolling when you buy this set-in-a-box lively bouquet of orange flowers to give a million comforts and cheer to your family and friends. This is for you to make you smile or for your loved ones who might need a spirit lift!