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Getting gifts for families and friends isn’t always easy. But with Lily’s Florist’s diverse curation of beautiful bouquets and flower gifts, finding the perfect gift will definitely be a breeze. We’ve prepared a large assortment of floral arrangements to suit different occasions, budgets, and recipients' personalities. There’s one that will surely fit your requirements.

Look through our flower collection and discover fantastic floral gifts and exciting flower deals you can conveniently get online.

Best Flowers and Gifts in Netley

Find bunches and bouquets in every colour of the rainbow. Discover fragrant flowers, native Australian blooms and their textured beauty, simple yet sophisticated monochromatic floral arrangements, and colourful mixed bouquets perfect for any day. We have flowers for each of life’s special moments – from celebrating the birth of a baby to honouring a life lived colourfully.

Roses with chocolates, carnations in a vase, posies with a teddy bear, and affordable mixed flower bunches are available six days a week. Depending on the time of the year, we also have affordably priced Valentine’s Day flowers, Christmas flowers, and Mother’s Day flowers.

Shop Online Today at Lily’s Florist

Give our flower collection a good look and find beautiful floral gifts to give to your family, friends, and loved ones. You might just discover awesome flower deals you can take advantage of. Go ahead and buy fresh flowers for those you hold dear in your heart and yourself.

Conveniently place an order online at our safe and secure online flower shop. Pick a floral design and a delivery date, and count on us to get your chosen floral ensemble delivered where you need it. Extras like vases, chocolates, teddy bears, and balloons can be added to any bouquet.

Same Day Bouquet Delivery to Netley SA

Order before 2 PM in the recipient’s time zone for same-day delivery Monday to Friday to Netley, SA. Please get your order in before 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery. Our partner florists are waiting to serve you!

Spread sunshine, love, and cheer today through a captivating ensemble of yellow lilies, purple alstroemeria, and hot pink spray roses. Let Lily’s Florist’s vibrant and vivid floral creation make your loved one’s day and remind them just how special they are.