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Sending flowers to your beloved is a sign that she’s constantly on your mind. So go ahead and shop at Lily’s Florist for a lovely bouquet to tell your significant other how much she means to you.

Lily’s Florist offers a wide array of flower gifts that you can send to express your thoughts and feelings. When words are not enough to say what you mean, deliver your message through a fresh flower gift. We’d gladly help you convey your sentiments through a hand-arranged ensemble of handpicked fresh blossoms.

Expressive Flower Gifts at Affordable Prices

Discover the language of flowers as you browse our flower collection. At Lily’s Florist, you’ll find the perfect blooms that can help you say “I care about you” or “You mean the world to me.” Actions speak louder than words, right? Go ahead and get your girl the fanciest flower present she’ll ever receive!

Shop at Lily’s Florist today and find a beautiful bunch of flowers reflective of how your significant other brings joy to your life. Our romantic arrangement of fresh red roses, fragrant pink lilies, berries and gorgeous hydrangea can beautifully express your appreciation for your loved one’s presence in your life.

Romantic Anniversary Flowers Delivered Same Day to Newport

We’re known for our romantic flowers perfect for celebrating anniversaries. If you’re looking for a bouquet that will sweep your lady off her feet, shop online at Lily’s Florist. Our dazzling rose bouquets that always come with a “wow” factor will surely impress your partner. Sparkling wines, chocolates, and teddy bears are available as extra gifts to make any floral arrangement extra, extra special.

And if you need a bouquet delivered on the same day of your purchase, we can handle that too. Just make sure you order before 2 PM for same-day delivery Monday to Friday. Our cut-off time for Saturday same-day delivery is at 10 AM.

Best Flower Gifts

Browse our well-organised selection of flower gifts and get hold of a great flower deal. If you are still not sure of which floral design to pick, you can always trust our Florist’s Choice.

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets, bunches, flower arrangements, and gift hampers to the inner suburb of Newport. Be it a home, office, school, church, funeral home, or aged care facility, you can count on us to deliver beautiful fresh flowers right where you need it, when you need it.