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Lily’s Florist's same-day delivery of hand-arranged bouquets

Seven days, twenty-four hours and sixty minutes of holding back your feelings. Why is it hard to confess but so easy to be scared of rejection? If courage is out of reach at this moment, maybe you need something to represent you and your intentions for someone.
Yes, we are talking about flowers!

Flowers, among many things, are known to express emotions and communicate messages that cannot be relayed with mere words. It is an overall package that manifests feelings through its colours, form, and fragrance.

This is the concept which inspired Lily’s Florist to create hand-arranged floral creations with designs that are well-thought by our talented partner florists. With the concerted effort of our partner flower experts and delivery team, we bring to you North Hobart’s fastest and most reliable online delivery florist – Lily’s Florist!

Welcome, flower army! This time you won’t be alone with your feelings.  Along with red roses, yellow lilies, pink carnations, and orange daisies, you will be able to express those bottled up emotions you’ve been longing to say.  Our website is always open for your online delivery orders. Use your Iphone, android phone, or desktop computers to order from us and pay securely via Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, and American Express cards.

Take this chance to make a magical moment out of an ordinary day with themed floral gifts by Lily’s Florist.

Say it, sing it, tell it with flowers by Lily’s Florist 

No matter how sad or happy you are, you can be sure that flowers will be an appropriate way to show one’s feeling to someone if you are too shy or too afraid to speak up.

Say it with lilies – You never meant to hurt your mother’s feelings. You were busy at work and can’t immediately attend to her call which she only made to say she misses you. Tell her you’re sorry, apologize with Yellow Lily Arrangement.

Sing it with roses – So your darling wanted a serenade so much on your anniversary but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t reach the notes. No problem, if you will sing that song with a bouquet of roses, the wrong keys won’t matter anymore.

Tell it with daisies – Let the world know how you loved your late father. Tell his story with Bright Mixed Gerbera Bunch.