Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Fast same-day delivery.

Better flower variety.

Impressive floral artistry at a great value.

Convenient ordering process.

These are the reasons why many can’t help but click the Buy Now button at Lily’s Florist. 

Purchase a bouquet today and be one of our satisfied customers. 

Fresh Flower Gifts Arranged by Expert Florists

If you need an impressive floral arrangement in Pascoe Vale, just order online at Lily’s Florist.  We deliver to homes and offices, schools, churches, hospitals, and aged care facilities. 

An assortment of floral creations is waiting for you.  We've got you covered from new baby and birthday flowers to thank you and sympathy floral gifts.  Our extensive selection of hand-arranged bouquets features blooms in every rainbow colour and floral gifts for every special occasion. 

We have formed a trustworthy team of partner florists who are always ready to provide you with the freshest and prettiest flowers.  Expect creatively designed flower arrangements with unbeatable vase life, delivered straight to your door.

Pascoe Vale Flower Delivery Melbourne

Get bouquets, bunches, and flower arrangements for next-day or same-day delivery.  Buy flowers before 2 PM on a weekday for same-day delivery Monday to Friday.  Please get your cart checked out before 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery. 

We welcome planners and last-minute gift-givers.  Shop in advance and schedule a flower delivery a few days or weeks from now.  Get floral gifts at the last minute and take advantage of our express same-day flower delivery service to Pascoe Vale in Melbourne.

Lily’s Florist - Convenient Online Flower Shopping

Buying fresh flowers online at Lily’s has a lot of advantages.  You get to save your precious time as you can do your shopping on your coffee break or just before you go to bed.  No driving or lining up necessary.  Get instant flower delivery just by ordering online or by phone. 

You can also easily send floral gifts to Pascoe Vale VIC, even when you’re outside the country.  We have bouquets with chocolates, flowers with wine, floral baskets with fruits, roses with teddy, and colourful birthday bouquets with balloons.  Conveniently send any of these to your family, friends, and loved ones in Melbourne. 

Trust our partner florists to bring you a modern ensemble of the freshest flowers in season.  Shop now at Lily’s Florist and send a beautiful floral gift in a flash!