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Flower Delivery Preston

Order Online Or Call Us

Need flowers quickly? Shop online at Lily’s Florist and take advantage of our same-day delivery service. Browse our flower collection now and checkout your cart before 2PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery to Preston, Melbourne. Our flowers are delivered by our network partners florists in and around Preston.

Choose from a wide array of bunches, bouquets, and flowers in a vase. We have the best flowers to make any celebration extra memorable. 

Order Fresh Flowers Online To Preston

Shopping for fresh cut flowers online is so easy and convenient. Lily’s Florist has a user-friendly online store where you can easily search for the flower gift you need. Shop by category and make sure you don’t skip browsing our Freebies section. For the best flower deals, check our On Sale section or add our Deal of the Day to your cart. 

Our Colourful Bunch with Free Chocolates makes a sweet gift to someone you care about. It doesn’t have to be because there’s a special occasion to celebrate. Send a flower gift on a random day and see the big impact your unexpected flower surprise will bring. 

Rose Bouquets Hand-Arranged To Preston VIC

When it comes to flowers of love and romance, our Preston florist partners offer plenty of options. Get three red roses wrapped bouquet style for as low as $49! Half-dozen, one, two, and three dozen red rose arrangements are likewise available. Looking for blushing pink roses? We have those, too, mixed with equally beautiful blooms. 

Pick our Florist’s Choice for a lovely floral ensemble using the day’s freshest blooms, chosen by our expert florist in Preston. Extra gifts like glass vases, chocolates, teddy bears, balloons, and wines are also available. These extras can be added to any floral gift. Most flower arrangement are offered in three different sizes so there’s one that best fits your needs. 

Express Same Day Flower Delivery to Preston, Melbourne

Shop today and send someone special a very special bouquet. Allow us to help you communicate your thoughts and feelings through our hand-arranged floral creations.

Believe in the power of flowers to connect you closer to people you care about. With Lily’s Florist, keeping in touch with loved ones in Preston is easy. Send an expressive ensemble of fresh cut blooms today and let your gift deliver your love and affection.

Flowers have the unique power to express emotions in ways words can't. At Lily’s Florist, we specialise in crafting these silent yet powerful messages. Whether it's a spontaneous gesture of love, a celebration, or just because, our curated range of flowers, complemented by timely deliveries, ensures your sentiment is conveyed perfectly. With a few clicks, you can bridge the distance with loved ones in Preston.

Don't miss out. Order by 2PM for same-day delivery to Preston, Melbourne. Let our flowers do the talking for you.