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Sending flowers as gifts is so easy, affordable, and fun when you do it online at Lily’s Florist. Offering you a wide variety of bouquets and fresh flower arrangements, you won’t have a difficult time getting the perfect flowers for your loved ones. Shop by category and quickly find what you’re looking for. Get freebies and huge discounts on selected flower orders and have your gift delivered on the day of your purchase! 

Fast & Reliable Flower Delivery to Princes Hill

We are a trusted online florist servicing Princes Hill and nearby suburbs. We deliver to every address in this inner suburb in Melbourne that’s about 3km north of the CBD. As picturesque as this location is our hand-arranged creation. Expect to see a gorgeous ensemble of handpicked flowers with the most vibrant colours and the most eye-catching beauty.

We only deliver flowers that we ourselves would be so delighted to receive. So shop now and discover how sending fresh flowers from Lily’s Florist can make your gifting to-dos a breeze.

Princes Hill Bouquets and Flower Gifts

From anniversary roses to get well flower gifts, we have every occasion and sentiment covered. Say you’re sorry or pledge love and commitment with one of our expressive floral creations. Designed to articulate your sincerest thoughts and feelings, our floral arrangements can deliver whatever it is that you want or need to say. 

We also have flowers with gifts, bouquets with wine, roses with chocolates, flower and teddy combos, and gift baskets. Looking for sympathy flowers? Funeral flowers, perhaps? We can get a modest ensemble of white blooms delivered to a funeral home. 

Same-Day Delivery by Network Partners

For fast same-day delivery, all you need to do is get your cart checked-out before 2PM Monday to Friday and before 10AM Saturday. 

Getting flowers for your loved ones online is a hassle-free and stress-free pursuit when you do it at Lily’s Florist. Shop right now and don’t miss out on our awesome flower deals.