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Spread love today and surprise a loved one with a gorgeous bouquet of fresh flowers. Why wait for a special occasion when you already have today to let her know how special she is in your life? Lily’s Florist is here to deliver fresh flowers and lovely gift hampers to anywhere in Reedy Creek.

Reedy Creek Flowers

As your experienced flower delivery expert, we know exactly what you need when it comes to sending flowers as gifts. We’ve prepared a fine selection of bouquets, bunches and vase arrangements as well as flower gift packages to accommodate each of your need. Find birthday flowers, romantic Valentine’s Day bouquets, fascinating Aussie native blossoms in vase, Mother’s Day flowers, thank you flowers, new baby gift hampers, sympathy wreaths and more.

We also have exciting gifts like stationery hampers, pampering kits, baskets of beer and wine, balloons and elegant vases that you can add to your flower gift. Of course, there’s wine, chocolates, and teddy bears that you can include.

Our impressive flower arrangements all come with prices that are easy on the pocket. We have single-flower bouquets for as low as $29 and we also have three-dozen rose bouquets for a reasonable price of $295.

Seasonal Flowers and Unique Gifts at Reedy Creek QLD

Each of our floral ensembles is creatively prepared by hand by an experienced florist. We take pride in our ability to communicate the language of flowers through our hand creations. Our passion for flower arranging is highly evident in the floral designs we make. Rest assured that when you buy flowers from Lily’s Florist, you’ll get an arrangement that is more than your money’s worth.

Ordering is fast and easy at Lily’s Florist. All it takes are a few clicks and swipes and your gifts will be delivered to the lucky recipients the same day you purchased them. Same-day delivery to Reedy Creek applies to all orders placed before 2PM on weekdays and 10AM on Saturdays.

Gorgeous Yet Affordable Bouquets Delivered the Same Day To Reedy Creek

Lily’s Florist is ready to deliver fresh flowers and gifts to offices, hospitals, schools, churches and homes in Reedy Creek.

So whenever you need flowers in Reedy Creek, just go online and order fresh blossoms at Lily’s Florist. We promise, we’ll be there real quick.