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Express delivery of handmade flower bouquets and bunches by Lily’s Florist 

Are you sure you want to do this?

You should be warned that after sending flowers to someone, you might experience happier days, jolly thoughts, lighter moods, and positive vibes. If you are in, then allow us to welcome you to LILY’S FLORIST with wide open arms!

We are so glad to see you here! There are many things you need to know about flowers and you will find out about it when you order your first bouquet from our trusted florists here in Seymour.

Hand-arranged floral creations for your loved ones and friends in Seymour

Lily’s Florist delivers same day flowers to your family and friends when you order by cut-off time at 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays. Shop for flowers conveniently online via your smart phone, laptop, or desktop computer and pay securely through easy payment methods such as VISA, MasterCard, and American Express card as well as PayPal.

Expect a nice handcrafted bouquet to send and receive when you order from us. Our partner florists are open for your comments, suggestions, and special instructions. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us via live chat, email, or telephone hotline.

3 amazing facts you need to know about flowers

ONE: The colour of hydrangea flowers depends on the acidity of the soil. Alkaline soil produces pink flowers while acidic coil produces blue flowers. In addition, hydrangeas are often sent as get-well flowers because of the hypoallergenic nature of the flowers.

TWO: In other countries like Russia, the number of flowers you give someone has a meaning. Giving someone an odd number of flowers are for happy celebrations while an even number of flowers may signify condolences. But what’s most important is your intention so it’s still ok to send as many as you want!

THREE: Floriography, the language of flowers has been used ever since the Victorian Era when flowers were used to say messages which cannot be said out loud. Until today, flower lovers are fond of communicating their feelings through roses especially when it’s hard to confess romantic feelings or say sorry.

There are thousand more things to know about flowers but you will get there along the way. For now, experience it ten times lovelier when you order today from Lily’s Florist.