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Hand-arranged floral gifts delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist 

Hey, there. Look at those sad eyes, why are you frowning again? Are your thoughts flying around, looking for a happy place?

We’re happy you landed here, welcome home to your floral family at Lily’s Florist. From now on, your happy place can be here around flowers. Flowers are colourful indicators of life, giving a fresh and lively vibe to your daily hustle. We would like you to experience this benefit so we are delivering the flowers the same day to you or your recipient the same day in The Junction.

Send same day flowers to your family and friends when you order before 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays or 10 on Saturdays.

LILY’S FLORIST is your number one online same-day delivery florist providing you artful renditions of floral bouquets, bunches, posies plus rejuvenating plant arrangements and exciting gift packages all handmade by our trusted network of florists.

Browse our website and feel free to view our updated collection of themed floral creations which are custom-made for your family celebrations, party with friends, or for offering a cherished token for someone recovering from an illness or grief.

Create your own happy place with flowers by Lily’s Florist 

If you have nil idea about designing your home with flowers to make a more conducive space, you can be safe with flowers; here are some easy tips for you.

Use glass jars as vases. The transparent nature of glass jars lets you be experimental with what you use to compliment the beauty of flowers. For example, you can place your fresh cut flowers in a glass jar and place some attractive ornaments inside like sea shells and pebbles.

Old kitchenware can be great containers too. Do not dispose old kettle pots as it can be used as an improvised vase and it can add artistry in your kitchen counter or pantry.

Give a second chance to wilted flowers. If the time comes that your flowers are close to end its glory days, don’t throw it out yet. Place the flowers in a water-filled glass bowl to lengthen their life a little bit more. It can also make your surroundings more fragrant.
Maximize what flowers can do for you and you will never let a day pass without a smile. Order flowers now from Lily’s Florist.