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Welcoming a new baby to the world is truly an exciting time. When deciding on a gift to share in the joy of the happy parents, think of something that’s joyful, cheery, and as delightful as the good news. Fresh flowers make a sprightly gift to welcome a new member of the family. 

New Baby Flowers To Thomastown

We have prepared a variety of new baby boy and new baby girl gifts. Choose from colourful flower arrangements, pink or blue boxed flower arrangements, or baby boy/baby girl hampers. Our Baby Celebration Package is the ultimate new baby gift. It comes complete with fresh flowers, a greeting balloon, a cute teddy bear, a box of chocolates, and a bottle of wine. It’s a perfect gift that the whole family will enjoy.

Baby Shower Flowers Delivered Same Day

We also have bunches and bouquets perfect for baby showers. Order a flower arrangement and give the expecting Mum a gorgeous flower treat. Your floral present is an excellent gift to express your love and send your congratulations to the proud parents.

Still can’t decide what to get? Our Florist’s Choice Baby Bunch and Arrangement are excellent choices. These are hand-arranged floral gifts filled with the day’s freshest and most beautiful flowers. Plus, it comes with free chocolates, too. Sweet, right?

Flower Delivery to Thomastown

Order now and we’ll get your fresh flowers delivered today. Same-day delivery applies to orders placed before 2 PM Monday to Friday and before 10 AM Saturday. Lily’s Florist delivers new baby flowers, romantic bouquets, birthday flowers, get well flower arrangements, and gift hampers to homes, offices, schools, and commercial addresses in the suburb of

Thomastown. We can likewise deliver flowers to funeral homes, nursing homes, and churches.

Fresh Flowers Daily

​Are you ready to order? Add what you like to your cart, input the delivery address, type in a personal message, pick a delivery date, then pay online. Just a few simple steps and your flower gift will be ready to go. A hassle-free flower gift shopping experience is what we aim to provide. Shop right now and snag a good flower deal today!