Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Lily’s Florist’s express delivery of hand-arranged flower bouquets

Don’t litter.
Don’t loiter.
Don’t run.
Don’t you dare!
There are many rules around you because rules maintain proper decorum. How about you? What are your rules to maintain a proper lifestyle or mindset?
For us, our rules always lean on the positive – live, love, and learn to make yourself happy then make a chain and pay the positivity forward to someone else! All these and more you can do when you let flowers in your life when you order same day flowers from Lily’s Florist!
Beautiful flowers can be sent the same day to your recipient when you order before 2 PM on Mondays through Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays.
Go ahead and get excited with the most exquisite floral bouquets and bunches, handmade by our expert partner florists to give more life to your celebrations and more affection during your intimate moments. Our designer blooms are classified to different occasions and events such as birthday flowers, new baby flowers, and get well flowers. You can also find a whole collection of rose bouquets and bunches flowers under $50, flowers on sale, and sympathy flowers.
Add superb gift items like chocolates, teddy bear, balloons, and a bottle of wine to your selected floral gift and order the same day when you go online and access the Lily’s Florist website where you can find our selection of artisanal flower bouquets. Shop securely and conveniently and pay via credit card or your Paypal account.
Follow the Flower: What Flower Habit Suits you best
Yellow daisies every week to remind me to smile – Cheery yellow gerbera daisies are smiling flowers and they have always been expected to brighten someone’s day. Its vibrancy is contagious and a regular dose of this view is always sunshine on a rainy day.
Red roses for your partner even on ordinary days – It does not have to be your anniversary with your partner for you to send them red roses. It would mean more special if your surprise them with these passionate blooms.
Blue hydrangeas by your side when you feel unwell – Feel refreshed with an arrangement of blue hydrangeas on your bedside table every time you are sick. Flowers are known to aid recovery from illness. It enhances mood and may speed up your wellness.
Better get started with your own flower habit? But first...order today from Lily’s Florist.