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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Same day flowers delivered to Zillmere today by Lily's Florist. 

Anytime now, the doorbell will ring, and you witness a grand appearance of what we would like to call a labor of love from our partner florists. Thank you for trusting Lily’s Florist again.

Welcome back!

But if this is your first time to order from Lily’s Florist, we are glad that you chose us for your floral needs. We promise to give you the finest flowers in town and a customer service that feels like family. That’s what we do here, and we’d like to share that experience with you.

Day by day, every hour, every minute, we sometimes forget to appreciate the things that matter greatly like how the trees give shade, how animals keep us company, how the flowers make the surroundings beautiful, and how people like or friends and family give us reason to live.

Forgetting is normal but remembering is important to be able to maintain strong relationships. Let Lily’s Florist be your guide in making most of each day, remind you that it’s easy to reach out to people and make them feel loved and special. Don’t worry about your loaded schedule; it only takes 5-10 minutes or even less, to order from our reliable website. Order on or before 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays so we can send your flowers the same day!

Voila! No sweat!

A lot of people might not be experienced when it comes to giving flowers to anyone. You have probably gone through the stage where you buy clothes, jewellery, gadgets when giving gifts. Those are fine but if you want to take your gift giving activities a notch higher, we recommend you try our flower delivery services and surprise your favourite person with a bunch of lively and stunning blossoms.

Lily’s Florist wants to make things more convenient for you. Below are some ideas you can refer to when sending flowers to your loved ones and friends

Sister’s birthday – Although she has annoyed you almost half of your life, you should admit she was also your best friend through thick and thin. Be cheesy with her for once and send her a bouquet of roses and carnations by Lily’s Florist.

Colleague’s promotion – Being happy for others’ success is a sign of a healthy mind. Celebrate a colleague’s victory at work and give them a plant arrangement. We have plant selections that can be displayed on office desks like our orchid arrangements.

Ordinary day with crush – Yeah, this can happen even in reality, if and only if you make an effort. Begin with something breathtaking yet easy on the pocket. Lily’s Florist has rose arrangements under $50!

 Daughter’s graduation – In two months, you’ll be sending her to college. Before tears fall down your eyes, make sure you’re equipped on graduation day. Bring some bouquet of roses and gerbera daisies to congratulate her as she gets her diploma and makes you one proud mumma or poppa.

Your wife gave birth in the hospital – Calm your nerves and remind yourself that today is a time to be joyful. Acknowledge the birth of your new child and laud your wife’s sacrifice with cute and vibrant new baby flowers. Lily’s Florist delivers to hospitals in Zillmere.
Did not find what you were looking for? No worries, you can give us a call or chat with them online so you can ask for advice on your floral needs. We will accommodate your concerns with open arms and open ears!