
Delivery Daily

Lily's Florist offers flower today delivery to Albany and surrounding towns for orders placed by 2 PM weekdays and 10 AM Saturdays. Our partner florists in or close to Albany WA create fresh, beautifully designed arrangements for all occasions. We deliver to homes, offices, and more. Shop for flowers online for birthday, anniversary, and romantic surprises. Add extras like chocolates, wine or bubbly, or teddy bears to make your gift even more special. We accept various payment methods for convenience like PayPal. Send flowers to Albany online or call an expert now on 1800 466 534
Lily's Florist offers flower today delivery to Albany and surrounding towns for orders placed by 2 PM weekdays and 10 AM Saturdays. Our partner florists in or close to Albany WA create fresh, beautifully designed arrangements for all occasions.
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist Delivery To Albany WA

Your happy days are now packed in a bouquet of flowers by Lily’s Florist. It’s true, we can’t always have days that make us smile but there surely is a way to drop a ray of light in each person’s gloomy day. How to do it? We do it best with fresh, vibrant flowers, and a bunch, pun intended, of amazing partner florists!

Lily's Florist also delivers same day flowers to the surrounding towns of:

  • Denmark 
  • Mount Barker 
  • Walpole 
  • Bremer Bay 
  • Kojonup 
  • Katanning

Sending flowers to loved ones in Albany is easy with Lily's Florist. We partner with skilled partner florists to ensure your flowers are delivered promptly and with care. Our goal is to deliver beautiful flowers promptly, right to your recipient's door in Albany. We focus on artful presentation, ensuring each arrangement is not only filled with beautiful blooms but also thoughtfully designed.

Our flower delivery services to Albany is available for same day or next day. If you suddenly have the need to send flowers in the middle of the day, no worries, you don’t have to get out of the comforts of your home or offices to buy flowers. Lily’s Florist is readily accessible online. Visit our easy to use website and take a pick among our wide selection of floral creations for every occasion. Lily’s Florist’s same day deliver services are for orders made prior to 2 PM on a weekday and 10 AM on a Saturday.

Pay with ease as you buy our flowers by using your PayPal account or your VISA, Mastercard, or American Express cards.

Featured Bouquet to Albany

Red Ruby Arrangement: buy from $79.95

What's in the Box:

  • Pink Oriental Lilies (often referred to as ‘Stargazer Lilies’)
  • Red Roses
  • Green Spider Chrysanthemums
  • Lush green leaves (eucalyptus or a similar leafy filler)

What Our Customers Are Saying and How it's Rated

Average Rating
Total Reviews
5-Star Reviews

Our Red Ruby Arrangement has garnered glowing reviews from customers who appreciate both its beauty and our seamless service. "Beautiful flowers and wonderful service" is a common theme throughout our feedback, with customers consistently praising not just the arrangement but the entire ordering experience.

What stands out in our customer reviews is our commitment to reliable delivery and quality. As one satisfied customer notes, "I was very impressed with the very efficient service, ordered online one day from UK, flowers received the next day as requested in Australia." Others highlight how the flowers are "stunning and still perfect after 2 and a half weeks," demonstrating our dedication to long-lasting quality.

Red Ruby Bouquet

Our user-friendly website receives frequent praise, with customers describing it as "easy to navigate" and "very friendly to use." Even those who consider themselves less tech-savvy find the ordering process straightforward. When occasional challenges arise, our customer service team steps up - as one customer shares, they're "extremely helpful... answered quickly and processed my payment professionally."

The arrangement's versatility makes it perfect for various occasions, from birthdays to romantic gestures. Our attention to detail extends beyond the flowers themselves - we take pride in prompt delivery, clear communication, and ensuring each arrangement arrives looking "beautiful/gorgeous." As one delighted customer puts it, the recipient "was thrilled to receive such a lovely gift" - exactly the reaction we aim for with every delivery.

Interested in your Red Ruby Bouquet? You can buy our Red Ruby Bouquet here.

If you would prefer to phone us to order this bouquet, you can do so via our contact us page.

Read more reviews of our Red Ruby Bouquet. Please ensure you scroll to the bottom of the page, there you can choose from over 8 pages of real, customer reviews.

Flowers by Partner Albany Florists

Want to make someone's day in Albany truly special? Lily's Florist makes it easy to connect with loved ones. Through our network of local florists, we offer fast and reliable flower delivery throughout Albany, ensuring your thoughtful gift arrives on time and in perfect condition.

There's something truly special about surprising someone with flowers. It's a gesture that speaks volumes and creates lasting memories. While planning the perfect surprise can sometimes be tricky, sending flowers is a simple yet powerful way to show you care.

Explore our beautiful range of bouquets and arrangements available for delivery in Albany.

Romantic Flower Arrangements for Delivery in Albany

Imagine your loved one's delight as they awaken to the sight of beautiful roses. A classic symbol of love and romance, a bouquet of six roses on their bedside table is a touching gesture, perfect for an anniversary or a spontaneous romantic surprise. Red roses are a timeless expression of passionate love, while pink roses convey admiration and sweetness. For a truly sophisticated touch, consider deep burgundy roses, or a mix of red and white to symbolise unity. Lily's Florist offers a stunning selection of roses for delivery in Albany, from classic hand-tied bouquets to elegant vase arrangements. Easily order online and make their day truly unforgettable.

Want to brighten a coworker's day and spark a connection? A vibrant bouquet of gerberas is a thoughtful gesture. Known for their cheerful appearance and array of colors, gerberas are a perfect way to express friendly intentions. Yellow gerberas symbolise friendship, while orange hues convey enthusiasm. For a softer touch, consider pink gerberas (for admiration) or a cheerful mix of bright colors. Lily's Florist offers gerberas in a ready-to-display vase, making it a convenient and long-lasting gift. We can deliver directly to offices in Albany, just be sure to place your order within the allowed delivery window. Make their workday a little brighter with a burst of color!

Celebrate with Birthday Flowers in Albany

Make their birthday in Albany extra special with a vibrant bouquet from Lily's Florist! Flowers are a classic way to celebrate, and we offer a wide selection perfect for expressing your birthday wishes. Cheerful sunflowers, symbolising happiness and adoration, are a fantastic choice, especially when paired with other bright blooms like gerberas or daisies. Elegant lilies, representing joy and celebration, are another great option. Choose from bold and colorful Asiatic lilies or fragrant and sophisticated Oriental lilies. For a touch of springtime charm, consider a bouquet of elegant tulips in a rainbow of colors or a single, striking hue. Along with beautiful blooms, Lily's Florist also offers thoughtful add-ons like delicious chocolates, festive balloons, and cuddly teddy bears to make your gift even more memorable. We deliver throughout Albany, ensuring your birthday surprise arrives fresh and on time.

At Lily's Florist, we help you create lasting memories with beautiful, hand-arranged bouquets. Each arrangement is thoughtfully designed by our partner florists in Albany using the freshest blooms. No matter where you are, you can send a heartfelt birthday message to loved ones in Albany with just a few clicks. Explore our Birthday Collection and make their day unforgettable!

Delivery Information

Do you deliver to Albany and surrounding areas?

Yes, we deliver to Albany and surrounding towns including:

  • Denmark
  • Mount Barker
  • Walpole
  • Bremer Bay
  • Kojonup
  • Katanning

Can I nominate a delivery time?

While we cannot guarantee specific delivery times due to factors like traffic and weather conditions, we make special arrangements for certain occasions. For example:

  • For funerals, we coordinate with funeral homes for service timing
  • For school deliveries, we ensure delivery before 3-4 PM closing times

Do you offer same-day delivery?

Yes, we offer same-day delivery Monday to Saturday with these cutoff times:

  • Weekdays: Order by 2 PM
  • Saturdays: Order by 10 AM
  • No Sunday delivery except for Mother's Day

What happens if nobody is home?

If the recipient isn't home, we will:

  • Leave flowers in a safe position, away from direct sunlight and street view
  • Call the recipient to arrange an alternative delivery time if a safe spot isn't available
  • For apartment deliveries, the recipient must be home to receive the flowers

Payment & Pricing

How much is your delivery fee?

  • Standard delivery fee is $16.95
  • Lily's Florist subsidises additional delivery costs in most cases
  • Extra charges may apply for remote locations
  • The delivery fee appears at the payment stage of checkout

What payment methods do you accept?

You can pay using:

  • PayPal
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express

Featured Products

Tell me about the Red Ruby Arrangement

The Red Ruby Arrangement starts from $79.95 and includes:

  • Pink Oriental Lilies (Stargazer Lilies)
  • Red Roses
  • Green Spider Chrysanthemums
  • Lush green leaves
  • Customer rating: 4.8/5 stars (85.7% 5-star reviews)

Do your bunches come with vases?

  • Most products in our bunches category do not include vases
  • Images showing vases are for display purposes only
  • We have a separate "flowers with vase" category
  • Some arrangements include a free vase - check the product description

Customer Service

What if I'm not satisfied with my flowers?

  • Value complaints must be reported within 24 hours of delivery
  • You must email pictures of both sides of the arrangement
  • We'll work with the delivering florist to find the best solution

Are you a local florist?

  • We are not a local florist but an Australia-wide network
  • We partner with skilled local florists in Albany
  • We are fully owned and operated Australian business
  • All our employees are based in Australia

How can I contact you?

  • Phone: 1800 466 534
  • Operating hours:
    • Monday to Friday: 7 AM to 6 PM
    • Saturday: 7 AM to 12 PM
  • Live chat available on website
  • Contact details available on our contact us page