
to Castlemaine

Lily's Florist offers our customers close and far elegant flower arrangements for Castlemaine VIC delivery daily. Choose from native blooms, warm or cool-coloured bouquets, and pastel designs. Our partner florists create custom arrangements for all occasions. Add extras like chocolates, balloons, or wine, and also delivery savoury and sweet gift hampers. Order before 2PM weekdays or 10AM Saturdays for same-day delivery to homes and businesses by our partner florists in or close to Castlemaine. We also offer next-day and scheduled delivery options. Browse our bestsellers or Florist's Choice Bunch for inspiration. Send flowers online to Castlemaine or call an expert today on 1800 466 534.
Same Day Delivery
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Lily's Florist Deliver Flowers to Castlemaine VIC

Flower Delivery Highlights to Castlemaine

Extensive Rural Coverage - Delivery throughout Castlemaine and surrounding areas including Chewton, Campbells Creek, Guildford, Maldon, Harcourt, and Newstead.
Specialised Local Deliveries - Expert service to Castlemaine Health, aged care facilities, businesses along historic Mostyn Street, and rural properties with clear directions.
Diverse Floral Collections - Choose from incredible native arrangements, warm-coloured blooms, calming purples and blues, or pastel designs, with optional add-ons like chocolates, wine, or teddy bears.
Weather-Conscious Service - Special care taken during extreme Central Victoria weather conditions, with customer communication and quality-focused delivery adjustments when necessary.

Lily's Florist to South Castlemaine VIC - reviews

In search of flowers that elevate spaces? Blooming gifts that boost well-being? Or maybe flower arrangements that turn moments into cherished memories? Find all these at Lily’s Florist.

We offer elegant floral displays that can enhance the ambience of any room. You’ll also find vivid and colourful bouquets that will make it hard for you to feel anything but happy and grateful when you look at them. There are also our celebration flowers that can add beauty and meaning to any occasion.

Shop Castlemaine Birthday Flowers Online

Shop Castlemaine Birthday Flowers Online

Lily’s Florist has prepared an impressive selection of floral gifts to suit your needs. You can conveniently shop by category, occasion, colour, or flower arrangement style. If you still can’t decide which ensemble to choose, take a pick from our bestsellers. You can likewise select a flower bunch or bouquet based on the following:

  • Incredible natives. Highlight your love for your hometown with homegrown blooms. Native flowers, in general, are extra special because they help protect the local ecological balance. They get to participate in nurturing the living landscape for many animals. Honour and celebrate the showy beauty and unique characteristics of native plants, mainly native Australian flowers, by choosing them as gifts to give to your family and friends in Castlemaine.
  • Yellow, red and orange flowers. Go for a floral ensemble with blooms in warm colours if you want a gift that radiates warmth and happiness. Yellows and oranges can lift moods and evoke comfort, while reds can encourage and inspire confidence.
  • Purple and blues. Opt for flower arrangements in cool colours for something that calms and soothes. Pick bouquets with lavender, purplish blue hydrangeas, purple hyacinths, irises, salvia and verbena. Bunches and floral displays filled with purple or blue-tinged flowers are perfect as a housewarming, get-well, and sympathy gifts.
  • Pretty pastels. Lily’s Florist also offers pastel flower arrangements for delivery to Castlemaine WA. These are delicately beautiful floral creations with subdued hues that evoke feelings of peace, positivity, and rejuvenation. These make lovely new baby gifts.

And don't forget to have a peek out best seller - our Florists Choice Bunch.

Flowers by Partner Castlemaine Florists

Flowers by Partner Castlemaine Florists

Whatever floral design you pick, our our partner florists in or close to Castlemaine will prepare it with creativity and attention to detail. You can make your flower gift more special by adding extras like a box of chocolates, some balloons, or a bottle of wine. Vases and teddy bears are also available as add-ons.

All our floral creations are available for next-day, same-day, and scheduled delivery to Castlemaine in VIC.

Castlemaine VIC Same Day Flower Delivery

Castlemaine VIC Same Day Flower Delivery

We have various flower arrangement sizes to suit your design and budget requirements.

Order today and arrange next-day delivery to a residential or business address in Castlemaine. We deliver fresh flowers anywhere in this quiet, relaxed suburb by the ocean. Same-day delivery to Castlemaine is likewise available. Just make sure the order is placed before 2 pm Monday to Friday and before 10 am Saturday. Our flowers are proudly delivered by our expert network partner Castlemaine florists, or close by partners.

Location Information

Are you located in Castlemaine?

No, we are not located in Castlemaine. We are an Australia-wide network online florist with partner florists who deliver to Castlemaine and surrounding areas. All our orders are processed centrally and fulfilled by our partner florists. The map below shows the typical deliver areas of our partner florists.

Flower Delivery FAQ For Castlemaine

Can I nominate a specific delivery time?

We do not guarantee specific delivery times, but we strive to deliver flowers as promptly as possible to Castlemaine addresses. Weather conditions and the historic layout of some Castlemaine streets may affect delivery times.

For special occasions such as funerals or important events in Castlemaine and surrounding areas, we make extra efforts to ensure timely delivery. Similarly, for deliveries to schools in the area, we ensure flowers arrive before closing time (typically 3-4 PM).

Do you deliver flowers on Sundays?

Except for Mother's Day, we do not deliver flowers on Sundays in Castlemaine or surrounding Central Victoria region. You won't be able to select a Sunday delivery date in our shopping cart unless it's for Mother's Day.

Do you offer same-day flower delivery?

Yes, we offer same-day flower delivery in Castlemaine from Monday to Saturday throughout the year, except on public holidays. To guarantee same-day delivery, please place your order by phone or online before 2 PM on the delivery day.

Orders received after 2 PM will be delivered the next day. Saturday orders received after 10 AM will be delivered on Monday morning.

Do you deliver to rural properties around Castlemaine?

Yes, we deliver to all rural properties in the Castlemaine area, including outlying communities such as Chewton, Campbells Creek, and Guildford. Please provide clear directions and property identifiers to help our drivers locate the property easily.

Local Area Information

Do you deliver to businesses in Castlemaine?

Yes, we deliver to all business addresses in Castlemaine, including shops and offices along the historic Mostyn Street and throughout the town centre. For business deliveries, please provide the business name, address, recipient's name, and any specific delivery instructions.

Can you deliver to Castlemaine Health?

Yes, we deliver to Castlemaine Health. When ordering for a patient there, please provide the facility name, ward or room number, and recipient's name to ensure smooth delivery.

Do you deliver to aged care facilities in Castlemaine?

Yes, we deliver to all aged care facilities in Castlemaine, including Ellery House, Thompson House, and other local care homes. Please provide the facility name, resident's name, and room number when ordering.

Do you deliver to surrounding towns like Maldon and Harcourt?

Yes, we deliver to surrounding towns in the Mount Alexander Shire including Maldon, Harcourt, Newstead, and other nearby communities. Additional delivery fees may apply for these locations, which we'll discuss with you before confirming your order.

General Ordering Information

How do I order flowers for delivery?

Visit our website to browse flower categories or use the search bar. Select your desired product, enter the Castlemaine delivery address, choose the delivery date, select the size, and add to cart. You can also add extras like teddy bears or chocolates. Follow the checkout process to enter recipient and payment details.

What is the delivery fee?

We charge a standard delivery fee of $16.95 for deliveries within Castlemaine township. For deliveries to rural properties and outlying areas, additional charges may apply based on distance, which we'll discuss with you before proceeding.

What happens if nobody is home for delivery?

For Castlemaine residential deliveries, if the recipient isn't home, we'll leave the flowers in a safe location away from direct sunlight and street view. If that's not possible, we'll call the recipient to arrange an alternative delivery time or discuss other options.

Do you offer specific delivery times for funerals?

Although we typically don't guarantee specific delivery times, we make exceptions for funeral services. We contact the funeral directors to confirm the service time and date, ensuring flowers arrive prior to the service.

Seasonal Considerations

Do you offer seasonal flowers from local growers?

While we cannot guarantee the source of all blooms, our partner florists often incorporate seasonal flowers that are available locally when appropriate. Castlemaine has a strong local produce culture, and our arrangements reflect seasonal availability where possible.

How do you handle flower deliveries during extreme weather?

Central Victoria can experience extreme heat in summer. During very hot days, we take extra precautions to protect flowers from heat damage and may contact you to discuss delivery options if severe weather could impact delivery quality.

Customer Service

Can I call you with questions about my delivery?

Yes, you can call us during our operating hours: Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM, and Saturdays from 7 AM to 12 PM. Contact us at 1800 466 534 with any questions about deliveries to Castlemaine.

What if my flowers didn't arrive?

If your flowers weren't delivered to a Castlemaine address, please contact us immediately. We'll investigate and work with you on the best solution, which might include rescheduling delivery or offering a full refund.

What if I'm not satisfied with the quality of my delivery?

If you feel the flowers delivered didn't meet your expectations, please email us pictures of the arrangement (from both sides) within 24 hours of delivery. We'll review the issue and work with you to find the best solution.

Payment Information

Do your prices include GST?

Yes, all our prices include GST.

Can I get a tax invoice for my order?

Online orders automatically receive a tax invoice via email. For phone orders, you can request a tax invoice after placing your order.

When can I expect a refund if needed?

If we've agreed that a refund is the best solution for your order, you'll typically receive it within 24 hours. For PayPal payments, the refund generally takes around 24 hours to process.