

When you choose Lily's Florist for your flowers, you're doing more than just sending flowers—you're connecting hearts across Inverell. Celebrate Mother's Day, show love on your anniversary, congratulate a friend's new baby, or brighten someone's hospital stay. Maybe it's time to apologise sincerely, acknowledge graduation milestones, or send warm wishes on Father's Day. Whatever your reason, each flower bouquet we sell is carefully crafted by partner florists and personally delivered, ensuring every arrangement feels thoughtful and special. With Lily's Florist, you're always in great hands—making life's memorable moments even sweeter. Send love and smiles today!

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Lily's Florist Delivers Flowers Inverell NSW

Service Highlights

Same-Day Delivery - Order before 2 PM weekdays or 10 AM Saturdays for same-day flower delivery throughout Inverell and surrounding areas.
Size & Budget Options - Most arrangements to Inverell are available in three sizes at different price points, plus special offers in Freebies and On Sale sections.
Customisable Gifts - Enhance any flower arrangement to Inverell with extras like chocolates, vases, balloons, and teddy bears for a personalised touch.
Diverse Flower Selection - Wide variety of fresh flowers to Inverell including roses, carnations, lilies, sunflowers, and native Australian blooms for every occasion.

Common Delivery Questions

Can I nominate a specific delivery time?

We do not guarantee specific delivery times, but we strive to deliver flowers as promptly as possible to Inverell addresses. Weather conditions and the rural nature of some Inverell properties may affect delivery times.

For special occasions such as funerals or important events in Inverell and surrounding areas, we make extra efforts to ensure timely delivery. Similarly, for deliveries to schools like Inverell High School or Inverell Public School, we ensure flowers arrive before closing time (typically 3-4 PM).

Do you deliver flowers on Sundays?

Except for Mother's Day, we do not deliver flowers on Sundays in Inverell or surrounding areas. You won't be able to select a Sunday delivery date in our shopping cart unless it's for Mother's Day.

Do you offer same-day flower delivery?

Yes, we offer same-day flower delivery in Inverell from Monday to Saturday throughout the year, except on public holidays. To guarantee same-day delivery, please place your order by phone or online before 2 PM on the delivery day.

Orders received after 2 PM will be delivered the next day. Saturday orders received after 10 AM will be delivered on Monday morning.

Do you deliver to rural properties?

Yes, we deliver to all rural properties in and around Inverell. Please provide clear directions, property names, and any landmarks to help our drivers locate your property. For very remote locations, additional delivery fees may apply.

Area Information

Do you deliver to businesses in Inverell?

Yes, we deliver to all business addresses in Inverell's CBD and surrounding business areas. For business deliveries, please provide the business name, address, recipient's name, and any specific delivery instructions.

Can you deliver to Inverell District Hospital?

Yes, we deliver to Inverell District Hospital. When ordering for a hospital patient, please provide the ward, bed number, and recipient's mobile number to ensure smooth delivery. We recommend arrangements from our "Get Well" or "Arrangements" categories for hospital deliveries.

Do you deliver to aged care facilities in Inverell?

Yes, we deliver to all aged care facilities in Inverell including McLean Care Inverell, Inverell Homestead, and other local facilities. Please provide the facility name, resident's full name, and room number when ordering.

Do you deliver to surrounding towns near Inverell?

Yes, we deliver to surrounding towns and villages like Gilgai, Ashford, Tingha, and Delungra. Additional delivery fees may apply depending on the distance from Inverell.

The map below should assist you in showing the delivery areas of our partner florists. It is for display purposes only and not indicative of where Lily's Florist is located. Lily's Floirst is an Australian owned and based delivery service, our flowers to Inverell are delivered via our expert partner florists.

General Ordering Information

How do I order flowers for delivery?

Visit our website to browse flower categories or use the search bar. Select your desired product, enter the Inverell delivery address, choose the delivery date, select the size, and add to cart. You can also add extras like teddy bears or chocolates. Follow the checkout process to enter recipient and payment details.

What is the delivery fee?

We charge a standard delivery fee of $16.95 for all flower deliveries within Inverell NSW. For deliveries to rural properties or surrounding towns, additional charges may apply, which we'll discuss with you before proceeding.

What happens if nobody is home for delivery?

For Inverell residential deliveries, if the recipient isn't home, we'll leave the flowers in a safe location away from direct sunlight and street view. If that's not possible, we'll call the recipient to arrange an alternative delivery time or discuss other options.

Do you offer specific delivery times for funerals?

Although we typically don't guarantee specific delivery times, we make exceptions for funeral services. We contact funeral directors like Crothers Funerals or Inverell Funerals to confirm the service time and date, ensuring flowers arrive prior to the service.

Customer Service

Can I call you with questions about my delivery?

Yes, you can call us during our operating hours: Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM, and Saturdays from 7 AM to 12 PM. Contact us at 1800 466 534 with any questions about deliveries to Inverell.

What if my flowers didn't arrive?

If your flowers weren't delivered to an Inverell address, please contact us immediately. We'll investigate and work with you on the best solution, which might include rescheduling delivery or offering a full refund.

What if I'm not satisfied with the quality of my delivery?

If you feel the flowers delivered didn't meet your expectations, please email us pictures of the arrangement (from both sides) within 24 hours of delivery. We'll review the issue and work with you to find the best solution.

Payment Information

Do your prices include GST?

Yes, all our prices include GST.

Can I get a tax invoice for my order?

Online orders automatically receive a tax invoice via email. For phone orders, you can request a tax invoice after placing your order.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), PayPal.

I noticed a double charge on my statement, what can I do?

If you notice a double charge on your credit card statement, please contact us immediately with your order details. We will investigate and arrange a refund for the duplicate charge within 24 hours.

When can I expect a refund if needed?

If we've agreed that a refund is the best solution for your order, you'll typically receive it within 24 hours. For PayPal payments, the refund generally takes around 24 hours to process.

Are there any additional costs beyond the product price and delivery fee?

No, there are no hidden fees. The price you see is the price you pay, plus the standard delivery fee of $16.95 for Inverell town deliveries (or the quoted additional fee for rural properties). We are transparent about all costs during the checkout process.