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Flower Delivery To Abbotsford

Order Online Or Call Us Now

An online florist you can always trust, that’s us. Lily’s Florist is ready to provide you with premium flower gifts at prices you can afford. Same-day flower delivery to Abbotsford, Melbourne is available Monday to Saturday. Order now and surprise a loved one with a fresh flower gift she’ll never forget. 

Order Flowers Online to Abbotsford VIC

Shop from our large selection of dreamy bouquets, bright mixed flower arrangements, and delightful gift hampers. Our hand-crafted floral creations are perfect for celebrating each of life’s milestones. From birthdays and anniversaries, to new baby celebrations and graduations, Lily’s Florist flowers make the perfect gifts. 

You can count on the expressive beauty of our floral designs to mark a special day. We also have meaningful flower gifts that you can send to express sympathy, get well wishes, regret, and gratitude. Say you’re sorry or that you can’t stop thinking of someone through the beautiful language of flowers. Your little flower gift will be a symbolic present that can eloquently express your feelings. 

Abbotsford Florists Same Day Flower Delivery

Don’t forget to order before 2:00 PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery. During Saturdays, the cut-off time for same-day delivery is 10:00 AM. Feel free to order days or even weeks in advance to secure a slot specially during holidays. Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers and gift hampers to residential and commercial addresses in the inner-city suburb of Abbotsford just a couple of kilometres northeast of Melbourne CBD. 

Send Flowers to Abbotsford Today!

Let our dedicated team of partners Abbotsford florists  handle your fresh flower needs. Shop now and allow us to create a stunning ensemble of large sunflowers, pale pink roses, snapdragons and hydrangeas along with fresh greenery. Choose a design from one of our categories or pick our Florist’s Choice for the day’s most captivating fresh flower arrangement.

Easily buy flowers online using your Smartphone or computer and securely pay via PayPal, eWay, VISA, MasterCard, or American Express. Shop with confidence at Lily’s Florist!